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The goal of emongo is to be stable, fast and easy to use.



Run Unit Tests

make test
make check

Start emongo


Connecting to mongodb

Option 1 - Config file


[{emongo, [
	{pools, [
		{pool1, [
			{size, 1},
			{host, "localhost"},
			{port, 27017},
			{database, "testdatabase"}

specify the config file path when starting Erlang

erl -config priv/example

start the application


Option 2 - Add pool

start the app and then add as many pools as you like

emongo:add_pool(pool1, "localhost", 27017, "testdatabase", 1).

Pool options

Option                    | Description                               | Default
__timeout__               | Database timeout (in ms)                  | 5000 ms
__auth_db__               | Database to use for authentication.  If undefined, emongo authenticates against the pool's database and any databases specified through register_collections_to_databases | undefined
__user__                  | User name used for authentication         | undefined
__password__              | Password to use for authentication        | undefined
__max_pipeline_depth__    | The maximum number of messages that are waiting for a response from the DB that can be sent across a socket before receiving a reply | 1
__socket_options__        | List of TCP socket options                | []
__write_concern__         | MongoDB Write Concern option              | 1
__write_concern_timeout__ | MongoDB Write Concern timeout (ms)        | 4000 ms
__journal_write_ack__     | MongoDB Journal wait for write ACK option | false
__disconnect_timeouts__   | Number of consecutive timeouts allowed on a socket before the socket is disconnected and reconnect | 10
__default_read_pref__     | Default read preference (primary, primaryPreferred, secondary, secondaryPreferred, nearest) | primary

API Type Reference

PoolId = atom()
Host = string()
Port = integer()
Database = string()
PoolSize = integer()
User = string()
Pass = string()
CollectionName = string()
Selector = Document
Document = [{Key, Val}]
Documents = [Document]
Upsert = true | false (insert a new document if the selector does not match an existing document)
Key = string() | atom() | binary() | integer()
Val = float() | string() | binary() | Document | {array, [term()]} | {binary, BinSubType, binary()} | {oid, binary()} | {oid, string()} | bool() | now() | datetime() | undefined | {regexp, string(), string()} | integer()
BinSubType = integer()
Options = [Option]
Option = {timeout, Timeout} | {limit, Limit} | {offset, Offset} | {orderby, Orderby} | {fields, Fields} | response_options | ?USE_PRIMARY | {Key, Val} | integer
Timeout = integer (timeout in milliseconds)
Limit = integer
Offset = integer
Orderby = [{Key, Direction}]
Direction = 1 | -1 | asc | desc
Fields = [Key] = specifies a list of fields to return in the result set
response_options = return #response{header, response_flag, cursor_id, offset, limit, documents}
Result = [Document] | response()
Pipeline = Document
Oid = binary()
Pool = #pool{id, host, port, database, size, user, pass_hash, conn_pids, req_id}

Add Pool

emongo:add_pool(PoolId, Host, Port, Database, PoolSize) -> ok
emongo:add_pool(PoolId, Host, Port, Database, PoolSize, Options) -> ok

Remove Pool

emongo:remove_pool(PoolId) -> ok


emongo:pools() -> [Pool]


emongo:oid() -> Oid

Oid Generation Time

emongo:oid_generation_time({oid, Oid}) -> integer (32-bit Unix time)


emongo:insert(PoolId, CollectionName, Document) -> ok
emongo:insert(PoolId, CollectionName, Documents) -> ok


%% insert a single document with two fields into the "collection" collection
emongo:insert(test, "collection", [{"field1", "value1"}, {"field2", "value2"}]).

%% insert two documents, each with a single field into the "collection" collection
emongo:insert(test, "collection", [[{"document1_field1", "value1"}], [{"document2_field1", "value1"}]]).


%% by default, Upsert == false
emongo:update(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document) -> ok
emongo:update(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document, Upsert) -> ok
emongo:update(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document, Upsert, Options) -> ok


%% update the document that matches "field1" == "value1"
emongo:update(test, "collection", [{"field1", "value1"}], [{"field1", "value1"}, {"field2", "value2"}]).

Update All

%% update all is the same as update, except that the multi flag is set to true.
emongo:update_all(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document) -> ok
emongo:update_all(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document, Options) -> ok


%% delete all documents in a collection
emongo:delete(PoolId, CollectionName) -> ok

%% delete all documents in a collection that match a selector
emongo:delete(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector) -> ok
emongo:delete(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Options) -> ok

Synchronous Requests

Insert, update, and delete each have a synchronous version, insert_sync, update_sync, and delete_sync, that block until the action has completed on the MongoDB server. The result is then verified to ensure it was successful. To instead request that the result document is returned, use the response_options option.

emongo:insert_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Documents) -> ok
emongo:insert_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Documents, Options) -> ok

emongo:update_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document) -> ok | {emongo_no_match_found, Error}
emongo:update_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document, Upsert) -> ok | {emongo_no_match_found, Error}
emongo:update_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document, Upsert, Options) -> ok | {emongo_no_match_found, Error}

emongo:update_all_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document) -> ok
emongo:update_all_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Document, Options) -> ok

emongo:delete_sync(PoolId, CollectionName) -> ok | {emongo_no_match_found, Error}
emongo:delete_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector) -> ok | {emongo_no_match_found, Error}
emongo:delete_sync(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Options) -> ok | {emongo_no_match_found, Error}


All find operations default to "primary" (?USE_PRIMARY). To use a different read preference, use one of the following pre-defined options:

    Option             | Description
__?USE_PRIM_PREF__ | Primary Preferred
__?USE_SECONDARY__ | Secondary
__?USE_SECD_PREF__ | Secondary Preferred
__?USE_NEAREST__   | Nearest

emongo:find(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector) -> Result
emongo:find(PoolId, CollectionName, Selector, Options) -> Result


limit, offset, timeout, orderby, fields

%% find documents from 'collection' where field1 equals 1 and abort the query if it takes more than 5 seconds
%% limit the number of results to 100 and offset the first document 10 documents from the beginning
%% return documents in ascending order, sorted by the value of field1
%% limit the fields in the return documents to field1 (the _id field is always included in the results)
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", 1}], [{limit, 100}, {offset, 10}, {timeout, 5000}, {orderby, [{"field1", asc}]}, {fields, ["field1"]}]).

great than, less than, great than or equal, less than or equal

%% find documents where field1 is greater than 5 and less than 10
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{gt, 5}, {lt, 10}]}], []).

%% find documents where field1 is greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 10
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{gte, 5}, {lte, 10}]}], []).

%% find documents where field1 is greater than 5 and less than 10
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{'>', 5}, {'<', 10}]}], []).

%% find documents where field1 is greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 10
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{'>=', 5}, {'=<', 10}]}], []).

not equal

%% find documents where field1 is not equal to 5 or 10
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{ne, 5}, {ne, 10}]}], []).

%% find documents where field1 is not equal to 5
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{'=/=', 5}]}], []).

%% find documents where field1 is not equal to 5
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{'/=', 5}]}], []).


%% find documents where the value of field1 is one of the values in the list [1,2,3,4,5]
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{in, [1,2,3,4,5]}]}], []).

not in

%% find documents where the value of field1 is NOT one of the values in the list [1,2,3,4,5]
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{nin, [1,2,3,4,5]}]}], []).


%% find documents where the value of field1 is an array and contains all of the values in the list [1,2,3,4,5]
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{all, [1,2,3,4,5]}]}], []).


%% find documents where the value of field1 is an array of size 10
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{size, 10}]}], []).


%% find documents where field1 exists
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{"field1", [{exists, true}]}], []).


%% find documents where the value of field1 is greater than 10
emongo:find(test, "collection", [{where, "this.field1 > 10"}], []).

nested queries

%% find documents with an address field containing a sub-document
%% with street equal to "Maple Drive".
%% ie: [{"address", [{"street", "Maple Drive"}, {"zip", 94114}]
emongo:find(test, "people", [{"address.street", "Maple Drive"}], []).

Find All

Find all matching documents, using the returned cursor to get more data as necessary.

emongo:find_all(PoolId, Collection) -> Result
emongo:find_all(PoolId, Collection, Selector) -> Result
emongo:find_all(PoolId, Collection, Selector, Options) -> Result

Find One

Find only the first matching document.

emongo:find_one(PoolId, Collection, Selector) -> Result
emongo:find_one(PoolId, Collection, Selector, Options) -> Result

Ensure Index (deprecated)

emongo:ensure_index(PoolId, Collection, Keys, Unique) -> ok

Create Index (mongodb 2.6 or later)

emongo:create_index(PoolId, Collection, Keys, Options) -> ok
emongo:create_index(PoolId, Collection, Keys, IndexName, Options) -> ok

Drop Index

emongo:drop_index(PoolId, Collection, IndexName) -> ok


emongo:count(PoolId, Collection) -> integer | undefined
emongo:count(PoolId, Collection, Selector) -> integer | undefined
emongo:count(PoolId, Collection, Selector, Options) -> integer | undefined


emongo:aggregate(PoolId, Collection, Pipeline) -> Result
emongo:aggregate(PoolId, Collection, Pipeline, Options) -> Result

Find and Modify

emongo:find_and_modify(PoolId, Collection, Selector, Document) -> Result
emongo:find_and_modify(PoolId, Collection, Selector, Document, Options) -> Result


the most Emo of mongo drivers






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