The idea for this project really came from me realizing that I have not used Python for a long time, and wanted to get back to using the language. So I tried to think of a project that I can do thats geared towards the Python language.
Python is used primarily for Data Science and looking at large pieces of data. So I thought why not build an application that can visualize data sets for you.
This dataset application will allow users to put in graph data from certain file types. I will eventaully add support for more complex data, but as of now it is just going to be for graph data. All the user will have do to is upload the data file with the graph info, select the graph that they want, and just click the render data button and the application takes care of the rest. I found this was a great way to get back into the Python language by learning how I can create algorithms for reading data, as well as get used to using Python libraries.