This is a simple weather app that I created using Angular! It allows users to go in and look at current weather for major cities around the world! This is mostly a side project for my portfolio! It has 2 main pages for users to search for a city and the one page to display the weather for the selected city!
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.2.0.
There are 2 pages to the project. One main page to display the weather data:
And another to search for a specific city:
The weather data that the app uses is from the Weather API:
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
If you want to clone the code locally and use your own API key for the data, you will have to create environment files.
Run the ng generate environments
command in the terminal in the angular project. The environment files will be auto generated for you.
Ensure that the environment files include the proper environment setup:
export const environment = {
apiKeyWeatherAPI: '<Your API Key Here>'
Note this will have to be from the same weather API for the data to be rendered the same.
NOTE: Currently, this project does not have a server component. For API calls, it should have a server component to ensure security, but this is mostly a "Front-End" project to learn new UI skills. I would like to add a server in at some point and maybe even release this :)
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/