Instrument tests from Prometheus. Provides metrics on download_speed, upload_speed, and latency.
These instructions will install and run prometheus_speedtest
on your system.
is provided as a
PyPi package.
pip install prometheus_speedtest
Instrument speedtests from Prometheus.
--address: address to listen on
(default: '')
--excludes: speedtest server(s) to exclude - leave empty for no exclusion
(a comma separated list)
--port: port to listen on
(default: '9516')
(an integer)
--servers: speedtest server(s) to use - leave empty for auto-selection
(a comma separated list)
--[no]version: show version
(default: 'false')
is also available as a Docker image
on Docker Hub
docker run --rm -d --name prometheus_speedtest -p 9516:9516/tcp jraviles/prometheus_speedtest:latest
You can also append extra flags when running with Docker. For example:
$ docker run --rm --name prometheus_speedtest -p 9516:9516/tcp \
jraviles/prometheus_speedtest:latest --version
prometheus_speedtest v0.9.9
Since you can run this from a Docker container, you can also run it in Kubernetes.
kubectl apply -f deploy/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yaml
The Kubernetes YAML files are pre-configured to work with the
job that comes with Prometheus, which is configured with
5m scrape times and 30s timeouts. If you need to raise the timeout, you'll
need to change that in your Prometheus config map.
Just keep in mind, that if you increase the replica count, then Prometheus will run a speedtest for each pod, every 5m. The same goes for if you are running more than one replica of Prometheus, as each replica independently scrapes targets.
is best when paired with
Prometheus. Prometheus can be configured to perform
Speedtests on an interval and record their results.
Speedtest metrics available to query in Prometheus.
Metric Name | Description |
download_speed_bps | Download speed (bit/s) |
upload_speed_bps | Upload speed (bit/s) |
ping_ms | Latency (ms) |
bytes_received | Bytes received during test |
bytes_sent | Bytes sent during test |
Add this to your Prometheus config to start instrumenting Speedtests and recording their metrics.
scrape_timeout: 2m
- job_name: 'speedtest'
metrics_path: /probe
- targets:
- localhost:9516
Note if you're running prometheus
under Docker, you must link the
container to prometheus_speedtest
. See the steps below for how
this can be done.
An example
Prometheus config
has been provided at
We'll start prometheus
with this config.
Docker Network
Create the Docker network that will link
together.docker network create prometheus_network
Start Prometheus Speedtest
docker run --rm -d --net prometheus_network -p 9516:9516/tcp \ --name prometheus_speedtest jraviles/prometheus_speedtest:latest
Start Prometheus
docker run --rm -d --net prometheus_network -p 9516:9516/tcp \ -v $PWD/example/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \ --name prometheus prom/prometheus:latest
Query results
Wait around 45 seconds for Prometheus to perform a Speedtest
Issue a query for download_speed_bps
You should see something like this.
Once prometheus_speedtest
has been started, with either Docker or PyPi,
Speedtests can be instrumented with cURL.
$ curl localhost:9516/probe
# HELP download_speed_bps Download speed (bit/s)
# TYPE download_speed_bps gauge
download_speed_bps 88016694.95692767
# HELP upload_speed_bps Upload speed (bit/s)
# TYPE upload_speed_bps gauge
upload_speed_bps 3415613.277989314
# HELP ping_ms Latency (ms)
# TYPE ping_ms gauge
ping_ms 20.928
# HELP bytes_received Bytes received during test
# TYPE bytes_received gauge
bytes_received 111342756.0
# HELP bytes_sent Bytes sent during test
# TYPE bytes_sent gauge
bytes_sent 5242880.0
You can also visit http://localhost:9516/probe in your browser to see the same metrics.
Prometheus Speedtest defaults to running on port 9516; this is the allocated port for this exporter in the Prometheus Default Port Allocations Guide.
These instructions will get you a copy prometheus_speedtest
up and running on
your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Ensure packages listed in requirements.txt are installed with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m prometheus_speedtest.prometheus_speedtest
Building image
docker build -t prometheus_speedtest:latest .
docker run --rm -d --name prometheus_speedtest -p 9516:9516/tcp prometheus_speedtest:latest
curl localhost:9516/probe
Or visit http://localhost:9516/probe
Pull requests are welcome. Please adhere to the Google Python style guide.
Please format your contributions with the yapf formatter and lint your code with pylint. A .pylintrc config has been provided.
yapf -i **/*.py
pylint **/*.py
User Doğukan Çağatay has created a Grafana dashboard template for prometheus_speedtest. Go check it out on
Increment version number in
Create PyPi package
python3 sdist
Upload package to PyPi
Ensure that Twine has been installed.
twine upload dist/*
Ensure that Docker >= 19.03 and docker buildx is installed.
Build and push the new image.
# Ensure you have run 'docker login' # docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes docker buildx create --use --name my-builder TAG="$(python3 -m prometheus_speedtest.prometheus_speedtest --version \ | cut -d 'v' -f 2)" docker buildx build --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 \ -t jraviles/prometheus_speedtest:latest \ -t jraviles/prometheus_speedtest:${TAG:?} . docker buildx rm my-builder
- Jean-Ralph Aviles
This product is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE file for details.
- Matt Martz speedtest-cli
- The Prometheus team
- Testing in Python team
- Benjamin Staffin python-glog