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Anemoi : Open Source Ventilator

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global health system is facing a ventilator shortage. This initiative aims at providing a low-cost and open-source hardware & software design made from ubiquitous components.


Bill of Materials

  1. Access to 3d printer and PLA filament. (Our prototype was printed on the Monoprice 3D printer V2)

  2. 5/8 inch vinyl tubing (15mm interior diameter)

  3. Brass connectors & valves

  4. Microcontroller (i.e. arduino) and Computer (i.e. Raspberry Pi)

  5. Barometric Pressure (BM280) and Differential (MXP5010) Pressure Sensors

  6. Air Pump >50 Watts

  7. 12V car battery


Turbine Pump Design

Link to calculator,

Venturi Valve

The tidal volume delivered to the patient is an essential measurement and thus requires a flow meter. This component is placed in series with the patient's air flow. We went with a design with no moving parts that leverages the Venturi effect. The air flows through a constricted section of a pipe. In the direction of the flow, a pressure reading is taken before entering the choke and in the choke. The flow rate can then be obtained with this equation,


Our venturi valve is bidirectional to measure the expiratory and inspiratory flow. STL can be found in anemoi/cad/venturi/.


Sampling frequency for all sensors should be >100ms to prevent performance drops on the UI.

Pressure Calibration

We connected the water column and the sensor in parallel and we applied a constant pressure using a balloon that we inflate or deflate.


We read the values coming from the sensor using the script. Here are our results,

	Measure Pressure   |   Actual Pressure (cmH2O)
				-4.74   |   0
				15.21   |   20
				17.11   |   22
				18.94   |   24
				20.8   |   26
				22.88   |   28
				24.57   |   30
				26.11   |   32
				27.15   |   34
				26.47   |   36
				27.45   |   38
				7.39   |   11
				6.25   |   10
				5.12   |   9
				4.3   |   8
				0.88   |   4
				2.88   |   6
				-1.22   |   2
				-0.14   |   3
				1.84   |   5
				8.81   |   12
				13.65   |   17
				12.83   |   16
				12.12   |   15
				16.77   |   19

We find the linear regression to find the calibration coffeciants (true_val = c1*sensor_val + static diff between sensors),

	c1 = 1.14
	c2 = Measured when the machine boots up


Flow Calibration

For the flow we use Archimede's Principle stating that if a body is completely submerged the volume of fluid displaced is equal to the volume of the body. We fill a inverted graduated cylinder with water and we place it into a water bucket. We insert the 5/8 tube at the very top of the cylindar (to prevent bubble creation pressure transients). We integrate the flow sensor reading with the sampling time to get the volume measured and we compare it to the actual volume. The equation relating the flow to the pressure in a venturi valve is squared root.


Here are our results,

	Displaced Volume (mL)  |  Square Root of Flow Sensor Rieman Sum
					600   |   1.67
					600   |   1.63
					1000   |   2.26
					700   |   1.53
					1000   |   2.26
					900   |   2.32
					650   |   1.53
					1750   |   2.64
					1500   |   3.1
					1200   |   2.31
					1750   |   2.51
					700   |   1.83
					1700   |   2.62
					1500   |   2.36
					1800   |   3.31
					450   |   1.12
					1450   |   2.93
					600   |   1.26
					1000   |   2.28
					450   |   1.16
					700   |   1.64
					650   |   1.61
					650   |   1.22
					650   |   1.4
					600   |   1.2
					1000   |   1.55
					800   |   1.52

We force the y intercept to be at 0,




  1. Install the following librairies and all dependencies

     Sparkfun BME280 Library
  2. Upload the anemoi/arduino/arduino.ino script

Raspberry Pi

Installing Raspbian

Format SD Card,

  1. Open Gparted

  2. Select the SD Card drive

  3. Delete all partitions

  4. Right click and select format fat32

  5. Run all operations

To upload image to SD card,

  1. Download the latest Raspbian OS (

  2. Make sure the sha256 matches the name of the file :

  3. Unzip the img

  4. We write down the name of the sd card by running,

     sudo fdisk -l
  5. We unmount the sd card by running :

     sudo umount /dev/sdb1
  6. We write the img to the sd card :

     sudo dd bs=4M if=image_name.img of=/dev/sdb conv=fsync
  7. Wait for transfer to end

  8. Open /boot/ directory

  9. Add file named 'ssh' (no extension)

  10. Add file named wpa_supplicant.conf

    country=CA # Your 2-digit country code
    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
  11. Eject and Put the SD card in the Pi

  12. Wait for Pi to boot and ssh using

    ssh pi@'ip'
    password : raspberry

Secure the SSH

In order to ssh without a password, only the ssh-key

  1. On the pi, generate new ssh keys pair (press enter for all questions) : ssh-keygen

  2. Copy your computer's public id to the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the pi

     nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

LAMP Stack

To deliver the Anemoi web app, you will need to setup your pi as a LAMP server

  • Make sure your pi is up-to-date

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get autoremove
  • A web server

    sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
  • A database server

    sudo apt-get install mariadb-server -y
  • PHP

    sudo apt-get install php-fpm php-mysql -y

The Firewall

  1. Make sure your hostname is set correctly,

     hostnamectl set-hostname --YOUR HOSTNAME--
  2. Also add it to hosts file by sudo nano /etc/hosts and adding this under ...

     --IP-- --YOUR HOSTNAME--
  3. Install ufw

     sudo apt-get install ufw
  4. Setup the firewall

     sudo ufw default allow outgoing
     sudo ufw default deny incoming
     sudo ufw allow ssh
     sudo ufw allow 80
     sudo ufw allow 443
     sudo ufw enable
     sudo ufw status


To setup Anemoi you need a couple of additional packages & configurations:

  • All the necessary packages

    sudo apt-get install git python3-dev pip3 python3-smbus i2c-tools
  • A lib manager

    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  • The Python/MySQL connector

    sudo python3 -m pip install mysql-connector-python
  • The tmux program to launch multiple command line processes simultaneously

    sudo apt-get install tmux
  • Apache Php Interpreter

    sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php
  • Make sure the I2C & Serial interface is enabled
  • In raspi-config and the timezone is the one you are in

  • Reboot

Creating the database

  1. Secure MySQL by running

     sudo mysql_secure_installation
  2. Log into the MySQL database server

     sudo mysql
  3. Create the DB that will be used by anemoi

     CREATE DATABASE anemoi;
  4. Create a new user,

     CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
     GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON anemoi.* TO 'username'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
  5. Exit and Login with your new credentials

     mysql -u username -p
  6. Select your database

     use anemoi;
  7. Create the following tables,

     CREATE TABLE patient (id int not null auto_increment, name VARCHAR(128), weight_kg int, age int, updated_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ON UPDATE NOW(), created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY (id));
     CREATE TABLE session (id int not null auto_increment, patient_id int, vac_pc tinyint(1) not null, vac_vc tinyint(1) not null, cpap tinyint(1) not null, bipap tinyint(1) not null, peep int not null, delta_p int, respiration_rate int, inspiration_expiration_ratio float, fio2 int, trigger_level float, tidal_volume int, max_pressure int, updated_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ON UPDATE NOW(), created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY (id));        
     CREATE TABLE pressure (id int not null auto_increment, value float not null, created_at TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(3), PRIMARY KEY (id));
     CREATE TABLE volume (id int not null auto_increment, value float not null, created_at TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(3), PRIMARY KEY (id));
     CREATE TABLE flow (id int not null auto_increment, value float not null, created_at TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(3), PRIMARY KEY (id));
  8. Edit config file to start mysql with event_scheduler,

     sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
  9. Add at bottom

  10. Turn on global scheduler,

     SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
  11. Add pressure cleanup event,

    CREATE EVENT `Every_60_Minutes_Pressure_Cleanup` 
    DO BEGIN delete from pressure where TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, created_at, now())>60; 
  12. Add volume cleanup event,

     CREATE EVENT `Every_60_Minutes_Volume_Cleanup` 
     DO BEGIN delete from volume where TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, created_at, now())>60; 
  13. Make sure the events are saved,

     show events;
  14. Check if the event scheduler is on,

    show variables where variable_name='event_scheduler';

Managing your web folder

  1. Change the permissions

     sudo chown -R pi:www-data /var/www/html/
     sudo chmod -R 770 /var/www/html/

The Anemoi Source Code

  1. Clone the Anemoi Repo in /home/

     git clone
  2. Copy the web files inside your Apache folder

     cp -r ~/anemoi/rpi/web/* /var/www/html/
  3. Sensor Packages

     sudo pip3 install pyserial bmp280
  4. Set your DB credentials in,


Launching a Daemon on startup

  1. Create a new service

     sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/anemoi.service
  2. Paste in

     Description=Anemoi Daemon
     ExecStart=/usr/bin/tmux new-session -s anemoi -d 'python3 /home/pi/anemoi/rpi/local/'
     ExecStop=/usr/bin/tmux kill-session -t anemoi
  3. Add service

     sudo systemctl enable anemoi.service
  4. Reload

     sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  5. Restart it,

     sudo systemctl restart anemoi.service
  6. Check the status

     systemctl status anemoi.service

Useful commands

  1. Check connected I2C addr

     sudo i2cdetect -y 1
  2. Check serial devices

     dmesg | grep tty
  3. To share your mouse/keyboard with the pi

  • Install on both machine

    sudo apt-get install x2x
  • Configure the SSH on the server

    nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    X11Forwarding yes
  • SSH using,

    ssh -X [email protected] 'x2x -east -to :0'


COVID19 - Open Source Ventilator






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