This is a sample webapp built using CodeIgniter3.
It displays a list of contacts, and isn't very useful on its own.
It is meant to demonstrate different components of a CI webapp.
Download and extract this project on your local system.
Using your IDE or text editor, open the appropriate source files when they are mentioned in Lesson 2 of the "Webapp Development Using CodeIgniter" course.
If you want to run this webapp locally, create a database (for instance "comp4711") and import the scripts/contacts.sql into it.
Tailor application/config/database.php appropriately.
/application | the obvious |
/assets | CSS, javascript & media |
/scripts | SQL script for the database |
Assumed: CI system folder is in ../system3
Please see the license agreement
This webapp was written by James Parry, Instructor in Computer Systems Technology at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, and Project Lead for CodeIgniter.
CodeIgniter is a project of B.C.I.T.