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======================================================= Code builds on Geant4.9.5 ======================================================= GEANT4 UCN 12.9.04 modified: 12.9.04 peter fierlinger ======================================================= - Particle ========== - particle UCN, similar to the neutron 885.7 s lifetime - Primaries ========== - incident UCN distributions - randomseed for UCN distributions - production time of a particle - spin is set via the spin class - Geometry ========== - material property table for UCN interactions: fermipot, scattering, loss and absorption - predefined: Be, Fe, Ni, Ni58 - Forces ======== - Gravity - Timedependent Magnetic Field field via formula / *field card time dependence via file spin follows adiabatically: only + or - spin relative to the field - Processes =========== - Production set all beginning properties, can be a specific distributon or user defined - Decay beta decay of the free neutron - Material Boundary Fermipotential Reflection Loss Spinflip *energychange on spinflip Index of Refraction Reflectivity read shutter states from a macrofile, change materialproperties for open/closed shutters (roughness model to be put in function "loss" - Absorption 1/v absorption cross section constant loss cross section (upscattering) - Multiple Scattering elastic scattering *small angle scattering - Spin tracking set initial values of the spin vector, connect to the field and the polarization vector update spin angle during tracking, here we use only the adiabatic case, so only the angle is interesting low field transitions and spin flip probability - Data output save to file class - Visualization =============== *fieldpoints - beginning distribution - Messengers ============ - shutter messenger - save to file messenger - spin messenger - field messenger - primary generator messenger Classes ======= UCNDetector UCNSaveToFile UCNSaveToFileMessenger UCNMultiScattering UCNSimpleAbsorption UCNSimpleDecay UCNSimpleLoss UCNMaterialBoundary UCNMaterialBoundaryMessenger UCNShutterMessenger UCNSpin UCNSpinMessenger UCNFieldMessenger UCNTimedependentField UCNEqMagElectricField UCNUniformGravField UCNFieldSetup UCNFieldSetupMessenger UCNPrimaryGeneratorAction UCNPrimaryGeneratorActionMessenger UCNDetectorConstruction UCNDetectorConstructionMessenger UCNPhysicsList UCNPhysicsListMessenger UCNTransportation UCNUCN0 ======================================================= TO DO's ========== fieldpoint card interpolation in new version visualisation of the field in new version reflectivity for strongly absorbing materials timedependent volumes ======================================================= Descriptions of classes UCNUCN0 ------- a baryon with 939 MeV mass and no charge is created and called UCN. no decaytable is defined here, since for the moment we are not interested in decay products. the decay eg. into p and e here for the tracking of secondaries is not included for the moment) UCNTransportation ----------------- small changes necessary to exert a force on an uncharged particle in AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength: if(pParticleDef->GetParticleName() == "neutron" || pParticleDef->GetParticleName() == "ucn" ){ fieldMgr= fFieldPropagator->FindAndSetFieldManager( track.GetVolume() ); fieldExertsForce= this->DoesGlobalFieldExist(); // For gravity } UCNPhysicsList ----------------- - a new function that adds all necessary processes for UCN void UCNPhysicsList::ConstructUCN(), adds material boundary, scatter, loss, asorption, shutters, spin tracking, decay process (status 15.9.04) - the particle UCN is registered in ConstructBarions() - UCNPhysicsListMessenger: only left from example F02 UCNDetectorConstruction ----------------------- -constructor: constructs the field for the whole geometry fEmFieldSetup = new UCNFieldSetup() ; -DefineMaterials(): defines materials Iron, Nickel, sD2, Nickel58,.. here and poduce material properties tables where the empirical parameters for surface interactions Fermipotential, diffuse scattering probability, loss and spinflip per wall collision, and the parameters for inside materials loss-, absorption- and scattering cross section are defined (in barn). diffuse scattering probability means surface reflection following a cosine distribution, all other reflections are specular. (this is only a practical approach, but widel used) the loss per wall collision eta is the energyindependent coefficent which is the basis for the calculation of the energy-, angular and fermipotentialdependent loss parameter mu. the loss cross section is not velocity dependent, absorption is scaled with 1/v, the cs entered is at thermal velocities (2200m/s). scattering defines the "elastic" scattering probability inside a material. The attenuation lengths are calculated using the densities defined in the material definitions and the cross sections from the materialproperties. e.g. G4MaterialPropertiesTable *Tsd2 = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable(); Tsd2->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PP, SD_REFLECTIVITY, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("DIFFUSION", PP, SD_DIFFUS, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("FERMIPOT", PP, SD_POT, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("SPINFLIP", PP, SD_SPINFLIP, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("LOSS", PP, SD_ETA , NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("LOSSCS", PP, SD_LOSSCS , NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("ABSCS", PP, SD_ABSCS , NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("SCATCS", PP, SD_SCATCS , NUM); sD2Material->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(Tsd2); -ConstructCalorimeter() is the routine, where we really build our geometry. the maximal steplength for each volume can be set here, we use for gravity only a typical length of 1 cm for the world volume (G4UserLimits) -UCNDetectorConstructionMessenger is a leftover from example F02, to be extended for specific applications. UCNPrimaryGeneratorAction ------------------------- - the particlename "ucn" is chosen, - in GeneratePrimaries() the parameters of the particle are set and the particle is produced. the parameters are: momentum direction, energy, position and the global time, when the particle is produced. The spin is also set here, but the spin is defined elsewhere in the class UCNSpin. -if the variable usespectrum is set to 1 from the messenger, Spectrum() calculates a typical UCN spectrum. vx, vy from -6.8 to 6.8 m/s uniformly distributed, vz liearly increasing from 0 to 15 m/s if the variable vi is set to 1 the productionpoints are visualized UCNPrimaryGeneratorActionMessenger ---------------------------------- - we can choose to use a typical (ILL) UCN spectrum for our application - the randomseed can be set - we can tell the visualization manager to draw the points, where we produce UCN. /gun/random 01 /gun/usespectrum 01 /gun/randomseed 9334657 /gun/visual 01 UCNFieldSetup ------------- the field setup is constructed in the detector construction and arranges all field concerns. - in the constructor: an instance of the timedependent field is created, the uniformgravfield is created and equations of motion. a messenger for the field setup is created. the minimum stepsize and the stepper type are chosen. the delta chord is set here. UCNFieldSetupMessenger ---------------------- using this messenger, one an set a stepper type or a minimum step size via macro file. (one should also make a shortcut to the deltachord parameter here maybe) /field/setStepperType 4 ... 4 is rk4 /field/setMinStep UCNUniformGravField ------------------- this class supplies the values of the field at the current position during tracking. the constructor asks also for the instance of the timedependent field and stores this pointer. the fieldvector which is defined in the fieldsetup is stored here. in the GetFieldValue() routine, the new components of the fieldvector are calculated. the calculation here takes also into account the influence of a possible timedependent field. the magnetic field influence and the time dependence of the field are requested from the timedependentField class. UCNTimedependentField --------------------- the constructor creates a messenger and also reads a file with field coordinates. (interpolation between fieldcoordinates not implemented here) there are several routines to commnicate with the messenger. the routines used for the fieldcalculation in the uniformgravfield are GetValue() to get the fieldstrength (mainly for the spin calculation), GetGradient() to get the magnetic field interaction at the current position and GetFieldPercentage() which reads the time dependence of the field UCNFieldMessenger ----------------- This manager is for the communication with the timedependent field and sets magnetic field parameters field enable, field coordinate file, timedependence enable, timedependence file, visualize fieldcoordinates (if a field coordinate file is used), start time of the field (when the timedependent field is started corresponding to the global time) /fieldcube/enabled 01 /fieldcube/starttime 1.234 /fieldcube/file josef.dat /fieldcube/drawfield 01 /fieldcube/timedependence 01 /fieldcube/timefile time.dat UCNEqMagElectricField --------------------- the equations of motion are created from the field setup. EvaluateRhsGivenB() calculates the values for the field equation for UCN UCNSpin ------- this class is a discrete process. -in the contructor a messenger is created -in posstepdoit() the spin is updated for the magnetic field interaction (sent to the timedependent field class), if the spintrue variable is set, the spin rotation for the adiabatic case is calculated. if the lowfield variable is set, the probability for spinflip during low field transitions is calculated. -messenger communication routines to set the initial spin (+,-,random) and variables UCNSpinMessenger ---------------- set initial spin, set spin tracking calculation and set low field transition calculation (this feature is not implemented here) /spin/direction random / + / - to choose a random initial spin /spin/trans 01 /spin/lowfield 01 UCNShutterMessenger ------------------- messenger class for the material boundary process, it covers all commands relevant for the operation of the shutters. set shutter number, level, time /shutter/open 1 4 ... opens shutter 1 at time 4 s /shutter/close 1 5 ... closes shutter 1 at time 5 s set a verbose level /shutter/setverbose 012345 choose, if you want to use shutters /shutter/use 01 UCNSimpleDecay -------------- this class is a discrete process. - in the constructor a decay time is randomly chosen with an exponential distribution, where the lifetime is 885.7 s, corresponding to the current accepted value (september 2004) - the mean free path is infinite, the process is forced, i.e. called after every step. - in the PostStepDoIt routine it is just checked, if the proper time (the time the particle exists in the event) is larger than the calculated decay time. then it decays. UCNMaterialBoundary ------------------- this class is a discrete process. - in the constructor a messenger is created - the mean free path is infinite, the process is forced. - in the PosttepDoIt we check, if we are at a volume boundary or at a materialboundary. if the shutter-use flag is set, it is checked, if we are entering a shutter volume, if yes, check its current state (referred to the global time), if the shutter is open, change all its properties to 0 and remember these values if the shutter is closed, do nothing. if we leave a shutter volume, and it was opened, we restore the shutters material properties again and take care that the fermipotential difference between the volumes is correct. if the shutterstate changes during the time the particle is inside the volume, it gains the fermipotential of the shutter material when it leaves the shutter volume. by changing all materialproperties, also the other processes are influenced and recognize the change. a shutter is a volume called "Shutter1","Shutter2",..... with arbitrary material and consistency. the volume can become transparent, i.e. no material related processes are carried out during the time the particle is inside the shutter volume. the shutter settings (open/close) are specified corresponding to the gloal time is specified in a macrofile and read by the messenger class. - in the PostStepDoIt() routine we make sure to be at a geometrical boundary and check then, if we enter or leave a shutter volume. if we enter a volume, we check the array with shutternumbers, states and time and set the shutterstate variable open or close. depending on the fermipotential-difference compared to the energy directing vertically to the boundary, the reflection or transmission is calculated: below the critical velocity, upscatter or spinflip probabilities are calculated. if not lost, it will be reflected, and the probability for diffuse or specular reflection is calculated. for the loss calculation a simple surface roughness - loss law is considered in UCNMaterialBoundary::loss(...). the diffuse reflection is just following a (3d) cosine distribution. above the critical velocity, the reflectivity of the material is calculated and the particle might still be reflected. if it enters the material, the fermipotential-difference is subtracted from the normal component of the kinetic energy (i know, energies dont have components..) and the new momentum vector is calculated. the various properties for the calculation of the conditions above are defined in the detectorconstruction, e.g. Tsd2->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PP, SD_REFLECTIVITY, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("DIFFUSION", PP, SD_DIFFUS, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("FERMIPOT", PP, SD_POT, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("SPINFLIP", PP, SD_SPINFLIP, NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("LOSS", PP, SD_ETA , NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("LOSSCS", PP, SD_LOSSCS , NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("ABSCS", PP, SD_ABSCS , NUM); Tsd2->AddProperty("SCATCS", PP, SD_SCATCS , NUM); where REFLECTIVITY .... unused, DIFFUSION .... diffuse scattering probability (1 = 100%) FERMIPOT .... average Fermipotential of the material in neV SPINFLIP .... probability for a spin flip per wall collision LOSS .... probability for loss per wall collision ("eta" = ratio of W/V ,E-independent) LOSSCS .... empirical parameter for energyindependent losses, e.g. upscattering (T-dependent,...) ABSCS .... absorption cross section at thermal energies in barn, is scaled with 1/v SCATCS .... scattering cross section, the energy of the neutron is not changed during this scattering process. UCNMaterialBoundaryMessenger ---------------------------- in the messenger class for the materialbondary the verbose level (screenoutput) can be set. this tasks of this class might still be extended /materialboundary/setverbose 01234... UCNSimpleLoss ------------------- this class is a discrete process. - mean free path: the property LOSSCS is requested from the materialpropertiestable and together with the density of the current material an attenuationlength is calculated. - the PostStepDoIt() is only called, if the mean free path is reached. if we are not in an open shutter volume, the particle is killed. UCNSimpleLoss ------------- this class is a discrete process. - mean free path: the property ABSCS is requested from the materialpropertiestable and together with the density of the current material an attenuationlength is calculated. The cross section is scaled with the velocity of the neutrons. - the PostStepDoIt() is only called, if the mean free path is reached. if we are not in an open shutter volume, the particle is killed. UCNMultiScattering ------------------ this class is a continuousdiscrete process, which is used as a discrete process. - mean free path: the property SCATCS is requested from the materialpropertiestable and together with the density of the current material an attenuationlength is calculated. - the PostStepDoIt() is only called, if the mean free path is reached. if we are not in an open shutter volume, the particle is scattered and a new free path will be calculated the next time. - the scattering is carried out in the scatter() routine, at the moment the vector is just randomized, the energy stays constant. UCNDetector ----------- this class is a discrete process and it checks at every geometrical boundary, if the new volume is the detector volume. in this case the particle is killed and some numbers are sent to the savetofile class. UCNSaveToFile ------------- the savetofile routine is created in the main program and has a static GetMe() function to return the pointer to its instance to any class. using this pointer, one can use the write function to save all data into a file. the filename for storing data and the screen output level can be set via macro file UCNSaveToFileMessenger ---------------------- the filename for the storage of data can be set here /saveToFile/filename hias.dat the verbose level can be set. (not implemented here) ======================================================= UCN_EX1 Guide transmission example ========================== In this example we guide neutrons through material guides, they are affected only by gravity. We assume that our neutrons are produced in solid deuterium. That means, when they leave the deutrium they get an energy kick of about 100 neV. We use a spectrum from 0 to 50 neV, the neutrons are produced directly below the surface of the sD2 volume. 2 cm later a Ni-coated guide starts and leads the UCN to a mirror, which consists of magnetized iron (we dont care at the moment about the spins). The neutrons are reflected upwards to a second mirror consisting of Ni and go then horizontally through a shutter into the storage volume. The storage volume is a horizontal tube consisting of a low loss coated material. at the end is a second shutter mounted, leading to a 90 degree torodial bent Ni tube and finally an other Ni tube leads vertically downwards to the detector. On the top of the detector there is an aluminium foil (as a daughter volume of the detector- volume) where it is decided if the neutron can enter the detector or not. The stepsize must be very small inside the detector since otherwise the foil would not be seen by the stepping algorithm. For demonstration purposes also a timedependent magnetic field is used from z = -100 mm to z = 100 mm, but is not relevant for the current geometry since only neutrons that are scattered away reach this field region. The macro file to control the simulation is called UCN_EX1.mac, the time dependent field is in the file time.dat, bot files have to be in the binaries directory where the compiled program is. Macro file: /shutter/use 1 .... tell the materialboundary process, that you want to use shutters. /shutter/close 1 0 ... close the shutter #1 at time 0 s. /shutter/open 1 3.7 ... open the shutter #1 at time 3.7 s. everytime you build a shutter volume, call it "Shutter1", "Shutter2"..., the commands work nly if they find a suitable volume (for some reason, you need something like /shutter/close 1 1000 or open so with a large time longer than your calculation that all this works properly) /gun/usespectrum 1 .... tell the primarygenerator to use a spectrum, the default cut off is 8 m/s. to change this go to the primarygeneratoraction in the generate primaries function /gun/randomseed 80008498 .. tell the randomgenertor a initial state /gun/visual 1 or 0 ... drwa circles at the position where the particles are produced. /gun/filltime 5 ... produce neutrons from time 0 to 5 s randomly (for example, to calculate a filltime or chopper pulses) /run/beamOn 100 ... produce 100 particles Processes: in the routine void UCNPhysicsList::ConstructUCN() { // Add UCN processes UCNMaterialBoundary* theMaterialBoundary = new UCNMaterialBoundary(); UCNSimpleDecay* theSimpleDecay = new UCNSimpleDecay(); UCNSimpleAbsorption* theSimpleAbsorption = new UCNSimpleAbsorption(); UCNSimpleLoss* theSimpleLoss = new UCNSimpleLoss(); UCNMultiScattering* theMultiScattering = new UCNMultiScattering(); UCNSpin* theSpin = new UCNSpin(); UCNDetector* theDetector = new UCNDetector(); .... the processes for UCN are added. the ordering of some processes can be important, to try out the functionality of the processes comment single processes out and look at the result. UCNMaterialBoundary.... all wall interactions UCNSimpleDecay...deacy of the free neutron UCNSimpleAbsorption...1/v absorption UCNSimpleLoss... v independent absorption UCNMultiScattering.... 4 pi random scattering (would be good, if somebody would implement a formula for scattering here, in the function G4ThreeVector UCNMultiScattering::scatter(G4ThreeVector){ G4ThreeVector final(0.,0.,1.); // make a simple uniform distribution in 4 pi // apply scattering // calculate angle phi, theta double theta = G4UniformRand() * pi; //G4cout << "angle " << phi << G4endl; double phi = G4UniformRand() * 2 * pi; final.rotateY(theta); final.rotateZ(phi); final = final.unit(); return final; } UCNSpin ... calculates (simple classical) spin precession in the adiabatic case, only the angle. details are not updated up to now. UCNDetector... looks, if we reach our detector ("det") through it entrance side with an aluminim foil. if this is the case, we write some data output to the saveToFile class. The saveToFile class can be accessed from everywhere if you include the header file and the two lines as in the class UCNDetector::PostStepDoIt(..). Geometry: The geometry is defined in the detectorcontruction. in the DefineMaterials() routine the materials have to be defined (things like density are important for absorption length or so in materials) Then we have thngs like MaterialPropertiesTables defined here. Here we give our materials properties like the cross section, fermipotential and so on. when you construct your geometry you need a solid: e.g. G4Tubs* solidNI = new G4Tubs("NI",t1innerradius,t1radius,t1thickness/2.,0.,twopi); using this one makes a logical volume with a material, e.g. G4LogicalVolume* logicNI = new G4LogicalVolume(solidNI, Nickel58Material,"NI"); this volume needs to be placed in our world or an other mother volume: G4RotationMatrix rot; rot.rotateX(phi); G4VPhysicalVolume* physiNI; physiNI = new G4PVPlacement( G4Transform3D(rot,G4ThreeVector(x,y,z)), "NI", logicNI, physiWorld, false, 0); Particle Generator: in the UCNPrimaryGeneratorAction::GeneratePrimaries(...) the particle's properties are set. particleGun->SetParticleTime(time); particleGun->SetParticlePolarization(spin); particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(momentum); particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(n_energy*1e-9 *eV); particleGun->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(x0,y0,z0)); here we produce it particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent); UCN_EX2 storage example (UCN Source) ========================== This example uses a material bottle as a storage volume, the neutrons are affected by gravity. The bottle is filled from below with a Ni58 coated guide. at the bottle bottom entrance a shutter is placed, which can be opened and closed via macro file. The exit guide is at 250 mm height above the bottle in radial direction, at its end is a bend downwards and a shutter with an aluminium window. the beginning of the exit guide is also closed with a shutter. The macro file to control the simulation is called UCN_EX2.mac, the time dependent field is in the file time.dat, bot files have to be in the binaries directory where the compiled program is. (anyway, not relevant for this application now) Macro file: /shutter/use 1 .... tell the materialboundary process, that you want to use shutters. /shutter/close 1 0 ... close the shutter #1 at time 0 s. /shutter/open 1 3.7 ... open the shutter #1 at time 3.7 s. everytime you build a shutter volume, call it "Shutter1", "Shutter2"..., the commands work nly if they find a suitable volume (for some reason, you need something like /shutter/close 1 1000 or open so with a large time longer than your calculation that all this works properly) /gun/usespectrum 1 .... tell the primarygenerator to use a spectrum, the default cut off is 8 m/s. to change this go to the primarygeneratoraction in the generate primaries function /gun/randomseed 80008498 .. tell the randomgenertor a initial state /gun/visual 1 or 0 ... drwa circles at the position where the particles are produced. /gun/filltime 5 ... produce neutrons from time 0 to 5 s randomly (for example, to calculate a filltime or chopper pulses) /run/beamOn 100 ... produce 100 particles UCN_EX3 magnetic storage example (depol - experiment priciple) ========================== This example uses a combined material, gravitational and magnetic bottle as a storage volume the neutrons are filled in from below for some time, while the magnetic field is slowly turned on. One spin component will be trapped then and parameters like the loss probability per wall collision can be studied. The particle is produced somewere inside the volume while the magnetic field is turned on. after some time the field is switched off and the particle escapes through the bottom. Macro file: /fieldcube/enabled 1 ... the word fieldcube originates from the first approach to use field- coordinates to calculate fieldstrength and gradients at each point in space. now it only says if you want to use a magnetic field or not. # if we use fieldcube = 1 , we need a file with data /fieldcube/file magfield.dat ... file with field coordinates. # when does our field start in seconds /fieldcube/starttime 0 ... beginning time of the time dependence, practically always 0 s. /fieldcube/timedependence 1 ... if there is a time dependent field if there is a timedependence, we need a file for this /fieldcube/timefile time.dat # visualization of the fieldpoints /fieldcube/drawfield 0 /run/beamOn 100 ... produce 100 particles UCNExample 4 ========================== this example is the "basic" example which shows the principle of the code, the other examples are maybe too detailed for beginning. A particle is bouncing with gravity on a reflecting mirror and finally hits a detector The number of particles produced can be set in the macrofile: /run/beamOn 100 ... produce 100 particles if the verbose levels are changed, the screen output can be made more detailed (screen output slows simulations down typically). the place, momentum and energy of particle when it is produced can be chosen in the primary generator. the processes used can be changed in the physicslist, an example to see more screen output would be to change the verbose level for the material boundary process /materialboundary/setverbose 5 in the macro file
Geant4 module for Ultracold Neutrons
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