Configuration options:
- --usbport (default: /dev/ttyACM0)
- --broker (default: mqtt://localhost)
- -c --config
./start.js --usbport /dev/ttyACM7 --broker mqtt://
If config.json exists or config file is set with --config values will be loaded from this file
Commandline arguments will override config file, which in turn overrides default values
- 'zwave/message', 'driver ready'
- 'zwave/message', 'driver failed'
- 'zwave/message', 'scan complete'
Events are avaliable on following topics:
Value updates from nodes
info: 'value updated',
node: 7
label: 'Temperature',
value: 24.5,
Info messages, could be used to log information in app, to file or console.
Adding node: 7