<<<<<<< HEAD My to-do list and reference notes are being moved over to Notion.
- Put everything on Github. What to do with data files? Store on OneDrive?
- Review style guide https://style.tidyverse.org/
- Go through complete biodversity analysis with the Site C bird data.
- Purrr - understand how to use map.
- Finish the final excercises in R for Data Science.
- Install 4.0 and fix any problems.
- Coding Club tutorials. https://ourcodingclub.github.io/tutorials.html. Lots to do here.
- Build Github website. https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/ Here is an example https://www.julietteverstaen.com/.
- Write blog post
- Check out more of Eric Fletcher's reference lists
- Practice mapping. Use 'bcmaps'
- Make a package of my own functions. Start with shortcuts. Time series analysis of water well data. GAM?
- Go through the JHU advanced data science course https://jhuadvdatasci.substack.com/ and http://jtleek.com/ads2020/