jCommunity is set of modules to add "community" features to a web site made with the Jelix framework.
It provides:
- user registration: account creation, with confirmation by email and activation key. The form contains a captcha.
- users can choose their password
- possibility to ask a new password when the user has loose his password (again, confirmation by email and activation key)
- Profile editing
- login/logout form
- many new events in controllers, to allow you to do processing at each step of the registration and other actions, so your own module can verify or doing additional things.
- notification messages with jMessage
- a specific form for jauthdb_admin is provided
The current version works only with Jelix 1.6.24+, 1.7 and 1.8.
See INSTALL.md or the wiki
To contribute and test, read the test/README.md file.
To help to translate the module, go to Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/3liz-1/jelix/modules--jcommunitypot/. No PR for localization will be accepted.
To download locales, go to https://download.jelix.org/jelix/langpacks/jcommunity/ .