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Laurent Jouanneau edited this page Apr 15, 2015 · 8 revisions


Latest jCommunity version works only with Jelix 1.4 and higher.

Here are some instruction to install jCommunity manually.

To install jcommunity modules into your own application, copy the modules/jcommunity directory in a module repository of your application (in yourapp/modules for example).

In the configuration of the application, activate the module and the auth plugin for the coordinator:

jcommunity.access = 2

auth = auth.coord.ini.php

Copy the lib/jelix/plugins/coord/auth/auth.coord.ini.php.dist into the file var/config/auth.coord.ini.php.

You should change at least this values in this file:

 driver = Db
 on_error_action = "jcommunity~login:out"
 bad_ip_action = "jcommunity~login:out"
 ; name of the dao to get user datas
 dao = "jcommunity~user"

Setup other values as indicated in the documentation of this plugin.

install the jcommunity module with the command installmodule in your application: php cmd.php installmodule jcommunity.

You can change the start action in index/config.ini.php like this:


In your application, you should not use anything from the jauth and jauthdb modules, but only from jcommunity, since it provides all needed things, with some different behaviors.

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