This is a module for Jelix 1.8+, that shows a list of news. A module for an admin interface is also provided to manage news.
Install it by hands like any other Jelix modules, or use Composer. In your project:
composer require "jelix/news-module"
Launch the configurator for your application to enabling the module.
php yourapp/dev.php module:configure news
php yourapp/dev.php module:configure news_admin
And then launch the installer to activate the module
php yourapp/install/installer.php
Retrieve the package, and copy the news directory into the modules/ or extra-modules/ directory of the application.
Then execute on the command line, this command to configure the module:
php yourapp/install/configurator.php news
php yourapp/install/configurator.php news_admin
And then launch the installer to activate the module
php yourapp/install/installer.php