WFMLC is other wise known as WILMIXFASTMANAGEMENTLIFECYCLE for the project. which is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2018.
WFMLC is other wise known as WILMIXFASTMANAGEMENTLIFECYCLE for the project.
which is invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2018.
WFMLC elements are given below....
1 Monitor => He is otherwise called as Manager or monitor or cost estimator for the Project
1 SPIN => Analysis of modules verified by Product Owner
for 1 SET
1 SET => 2 or 3 or 8 modules finished with in week
depends upon the project type (ie) Easy , medium , Risk , High Risk
If the project is Easy means you can able to finish 8 modules in a week using Team Members. If the project is Medium means you can finish 6 or 5 or 4 modules in a week using Team Members. If the project is Risk means you can finish 2 or 3 modules in a week using Team Members. If the project is High Risk means you can finish 1 or 2 modules in a week using Team Members.
1 GLANCE => Using Attractive and Javascript Framework tools
1 DB=> Database Management
1 Schedule => Friday meeting with client
and Monitor
1 DEV => No of developers ,leaders ,testers ,PL,team leaders involved in the project
P=> Product owner
1 DESIGN => UML design of the project
M => Maintenance for the project
Modify=> Modify the implementation in maintenance phase
Technology => Programming Languages used in the project are fast,medium,advanced, mostadvanced etc.
LOOP=> Set of Phases like SET,GLANCE,etc are repeated during the maintenance phase for the
Monitor and Product Owner are the Main Players for the project...