Early pipeline support
A super early draft of version 2 of the saltstack plugin.
This supports:
- running salt via a jenkins pipeline
- large cleanups
- salt subset support
- detect minion timeouts in order to fail build
- allow parameterized batch size
Example pipeline
def userInput
stage('prompt') {
userInput = input message: 'Change parameters?', parameters: [
string(defaultValue: 'master', description: 'What machines to target with command', name: 'target'),
string(defaultValue: 'runas=jenkins', description: 'Any kwargs', name: 'kwarguments')
echo ("target is: "+userInput['target'])
stage('execute salt') {
node {
echo ("kwarguments is: "+userInput['kwarguments'])
salt arguments: 'ls -la', authtype: 'pam', clientInterface: local(blockbuild: false, jobPollTime: 5, target: userInput['target'], targetType: 'glob'), credentialsId: 'a3d814c2-84ed-4752-94a8-271791bb5375', function: 'cmd.run', kwarguments: userInput['kwarguments'], servername: 'http://localhost:8000', target: 'master', targettype: 'glob'