A Project by: Elroy He, Jennifer Dinh, Mario Hernández, and Ollo Clark
fullTank aims to give the US up-to-date pricing information across a network of user-added gas stations across the state.
Sign up, find the cheapest gas station near you, and never worry about chasing deals again.
Python, Django, Google Maps API
- Deployed app: https://full-tank.vercel.app/
- Trello board: https://trello.com/b/rIgrWE8p/fulltank
- Pitch deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LF-O2PsNUlqlJmMvtsfly0gMsAxyj7ULpR77ijJhF1I/edit?usp=sharing
- Add reactive price listings, using an API
- Add electric charging information, using an API