This library allows users to create dynamic wallpapers on Windows using Raylib by utilizing an undocumented Windows API.
This is just a preview, more work is needed to
- provide input method replacements for keyboard
- Use familiar Raylib drawing methods to create a Live Wallpaper on the Windows desktop
- Provides mouse input replacements for interactive desktops
- Supports Multi Monitor Setups and is DPI aware.
- Doesnt Render if Wallpaper or Monitor is occluded
Ensure you have Raylib installed. You can download it from Raylib's official site, or use the Nuget package.
Include RaylibDesktop.h
in your project and look at the provided example code.
#include "RaylibDesktop.h"
#include "raylib.h"
int main()
// Initializes desktop replacement magic
// Setups the desktop (-1 is the entire desktop spanning all monitors)
MonitorInfo monitorInfo = GetWallpaperTarget(-1);
// Initialize the raylib window.
InitWindow(monitorInfo.monitorWidth, monitorInfo.monitorHeight, "Raylib Desktop Demo");
// Retrieve the handle for the raylib-created window.
void* raylibWindowHandle = GetWindowHandle();
// Reparent the raylib window to the window behind the desktop icons.
// Configure the desktop positioning.
// Now, enter the raylib render loop.
// Main render loop.
while (!WindowShouldClose())
// Skip rendering if the monitor is occluded more than 95%
if (IsMonitorOccluded(monitorInfo, 0.95))
// Update Custom Mouse Input Replacements
// Normal Drawing Code...
// Close the window and unload resources.
// Clean up the desktop window.
return 0;
- To hide the console window when deploying set the SubSystem to
, and to avoid having to includewindows.h
also set the entry point back tomainCRTStartup
- The wallpaper window becomes a child of a desktop window created using an undocumented windows feature.
Since the reparented Raylib window does not receive input normally, the following replacement functions are provided:
// Call this function once per frame to update mouse states.
// It updates both the previous and current state arrays.
void RaylibDesktopUpdateMouseState(void);
// Mouse button state functions.
// The valid button indices are:
// 0: Left button (VK_LBUTTON)
// 1: Right button (VK_RBUTTON)
// 2: Middle button (VK_MBUTTON)
// 3: XButton1 (VK_XBUTTON1)
// 4: XButton2 (VK_XBUTTON2)
bool RaylibDesktopIsMouseButtonPressed(int button); // Returns true only on the frame the button was pressed.
bool RaylibDesktopIsMouseButtonDown(int button); // Returns true if the button is currently down.
bool RaylibDesktopIsMouseButtonReleased(int button); // Returns true only on the frame the button was released.
bool RaylibDesktopIsMouseButtonUp(int button); // Returns true if the button is currently up.
// Mouse position functions.
// These return the global cursor position (in physical pixels).
int RaylibDesktopGetMouseX(void);
int RaylibDesktopGetMouseY(void);
Vector2 RaylibDesktopGetMousePosition(void);
Currently, there are no replacements for keyboard input, may be added in the future.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.