- Install AWS CLI
- Configure credentials
aws configure
- Configure credentials
- Download and install Terraform in your PATH: https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html
- Change to the poc directory (here)
cd vRouter-multicloud-poc
- Ensure the AWS and template provider plugins are installed
terraform init
- Copy the
file tomy.tfvars
and update the values
cp sample.tfvars my.tfvars
- Get modules
terraform get
terraform validate -var-file="my.tfvars"
terraform plan -var-file="my.tfvars" -out=plan
terraform apply "plan”
terraform destroy -var-file="my.tfvars"
To mark the vRouter in VPC 112 to be rebuilt, mark it as tainted, then run apply:
terraform taint -module=VPC-112 aws_instance.vRouter
terraform apply -var-file="my.tfvars"
Please validate and format file prior to committing:
terraform validate -var-file="my.tfvars"
terraform fmt
git add <...>
export REPO_DIR=`pwd`; (cd .. && tar czvf vRouter-terraform-4-vpc-topo.tgz --exclude='archive' --exclude='terraform.*' --exclude='.terraform*' --exclude='.git' $REPO_DIR)