Walmark is a user curated, resource wall that can help users organize and bookmark links according to whichever category they are interested in. Save links, learn better. That's Walmark.
Created in collaboration with Hark Khabra and Karen Lau.
- Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository.
- Install dependencies using the
npm install
command. - Start the web server using
npm run local
command, the app will be served at http://localhost:8080/. - Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
- Bcrypt
- Body-parser
- Cookie-session
- Dotenv
- Express
- Knex
- Knex-logger
- Morgan
- Method-Override
- Node-sass-middleware
- PostgreSQL
- Request
- Sass
Walmark landing page. Requires user to either log in or register.
Walmark home page. Displays all submitted links in a randomized order.
Individual link page. User can edit, learn, add to their wall, write comments, and rate the page. The placeholder image redirects to the learning resource page.
User Account Page. User can filter through their boards, links, and learned links.