LiveliHood is a web app designed to help those who are more vulnerable to COVID-19 complete daily tasks, such as shopping at a populated grocery store. This web app allows kind-hearted users to visualize tasks in their neighbourhood on a map and volunteer to help complete them.
Deployed at
note: if using Chrome, likely you will have to disable caching for the website or the map won't always update.
Right click -> Inspect -> Network -> Disable cache. Dev tools will need to be on the entire duration to keep caching disabled.
MERN - MongoDB, Express, React, Nodejs
Other Tools:
- Google Maps API for visualization of tasks
- Axios and cors library for connecting to the backend
- Bootstrap, HTML, CSS for styling
- Jest and Supertest to automate testing in the backend
- Mongoose to manage the MongoDB database
- JWT to manage authentication middleware
- Bcrypt and Validator to hash passwords
Routes for the backend can be found in the backend folder's README
note: The popup on each map is due to the map being in development mode, as the Google Maps API is a paid API.
note: In this example, the user assigns himself to his own task. This is for example purposes. In a real scenario, it would be a different user who assigns themselves to this user's task.
note: The task-poster can mark a task as done once it is in progress.
'Logout All' at the end means removing all login tokens as opposed to just the current login token.
- Sort tasks by status frontend
- More ways to sort tasks on the frontend
- Change logout/logoutall to a dropdown