This application is designed to run on a Docker environment over a HTTPS connection using a self-signed certificate. To create the self-signed SSL certificate please follow the steps below:
To be able to run the application over HTTPS you must create a self-signed certificate following the next steps:
1 - In a Powershell command window execute:
dotnet dev-certs https --clean
WARNING: When clicking on YES you will delete the existing self-signed certificate, but you can create a new one any time following the steps below:
dotnet dev-certs https -ep $env:USERPROFILE\.aspnet\https\aspnetapp.pfx -p password1
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Click Yes on the new window that opened to trust the new certificate
Steps based on this article:
After created the self-signed SSL certificate you need to follow the next steps in order to run the application:
- Navigate to the application base directory where the docker compose file is. In my case:
If everything goes OK you will see in your screen information similar to this:
Congratulations The application is ready to go on this link: https://localhost:5021/swagger
You can check if the Database Context is healthy accessing: https://localhost:5021/health You should see the message: Healthy
If everything went OK you will see the Swagger Home UI as in the image below:
You can test our APIs using swagger in this way:
1- Open the base API URL and add /swagger to it. For example if you are running the API locally your URL would be something like: https://localhost:5021/swagger.
2 - A list of API should be shown. Choose the Endpoint you want to test and click on the Arrow pointing down to expand the specifics of that Endpoint.
3 - Click on Try it out button, inform all the required parameters and click on Execute. After that you should see the results.
Using the Visual Studio Extension Fine Code Coverage as a reference, it was possible to achieve 100% Unit Tests + Integration Tests of line code coverage. This increases the quality of the product with less chance of unexpected behaviours.
- If you have any issues or questions running it, let me know and I'll do my best to help you out.
- I really enjoyed this journey of building this.
- I hope you like it.