This is a application to show a collection of all the star ships and calculate the total amount of stops required to make the distance between the planets.
This application is a Console Application writed in C# language using Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.3.6 and .Net Core 3.0.100 SDK.
IMPORTANT! To run this application in older version of Visual Studio is necessary downgrade the Version of .Net Core to 2.2 Version or below. To change it go to Target Framework of all projects like the image above and put older versions.
You can create your setup for free with communit versions of Visual Studio: Visual Studio 2019 Download
Download the .Net Core 3.0 SDK or only Runtime version if you doesn´t use it to develop applications .Net Core 3.0 SDK and Runtime Download
The environment setup descripted above is the same. After done the setup you Can rigth click on SWAPI.Tests and click Run Tests. After that open TestExplorer window to see the results.
After done the setup you Can rigth click on SWAPI project and click in Debug -> Start new instance or simple press F5 o run after that folow the screen intructions. Enjoy!