TextMix - An app for automating the creation of "word jumble" and cloze activities from corpora for English language learners
- mobile support
- added "research mode" - pass through URL (?=researchmode=true) - This records the number of correct/incorrect answers by the user
- added cloze modes, for focusing on grammar structures or 100 most common words in English
- added option to create printable worksheet on save screen
- added reading mode (sentences stay on screen after being solved)
- added teacher/student modes and review screen
- cleaner code and more user-friendly, many bug fixes and popup explanations
- added "about" page
- support for splitting sentences ending with different punctuation
- option to create printable worksheet on save screen
- support for news headlines (newsapi.org) and list of words (Tatoeba corpus) as text sources
- Add more texts to student mode (prepare to pilot on students to present results at TeLLT & CoLLT Conference in July, 2021
- increase loading speed of Tatoeba corpus (large JSON file currently takes up to 30s)
- Japanese language support using Tiny Segmenter: http://chasen.org/~taku/software/TinySegmenter/
- Kidz mode - an even simpler settings interface and set of kid-friendly texts
- User guide