This is a python wrapper for the unofficial Optimum App API.
To get everything up and running, you first need to obtain a Device ID.
A Device ID is a UUID4 format identifier that is generated when a machine uses the Optimum App for the first time. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to successfully reverse engineer the generation proccess, although locating your Device ID is a fairly trivial matter.
- Open the Optimum App, and sign in.
- Select the SETTINGS tab on the top of the screen.
- Select the FAQ tab located on the right side of the screen.
- On the bottom of the screen, you should see your Device ID next to the words "For System Use Only:"
import optimum
tv = optimum.API(optimum_ID, password, device_ID)
# see your cable boxes
for box in tv.boxes:
print box.serial
print box.type
print box.resolution
if box.recordable:
# turn boxes on/off
result = tv.do_keypress(tv.boxes["Kitchen"], ["KEY_POWER"])
if not result:
print "Keypress Failed!"
# change the channel
# note that you can chain keys, so for channel 32 you would do:
result = tv.do_keypress(tv.boxes["Living Room"], ["KEY_3","KEY_2"])
- Record Programs
- Delete Recordings
- Search
- Get Scheduled Recordings
- Get Reccomendations
- More...