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Python port of jumanjihouse's autostager
Stage a directory based on Github pull request (e.g., dynamic puppet environments)
Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/jfach/autostager.git
Install via pip: pip install autostager
Export environment variables:
40 character Github access token
repository that you want to track
directory to stage PRs in
timeout seconds for git operations, default is 120
- You can generate a token from the command line by running the following script, [token.py] (https://gist.github.com/Jfach/ec85c6550cf9fc99e3a708bd45ec6a8c "token.py")
- Make sure to give the token the necessary access privileges
- This can be done by going to Settings > Personal Access Tokens > Edit
>>> export access_token=<your 40-char token>
>>> export repo_slug=jfach/autostager
>>> export base_dir=/path/to/base/dir
>>> from autostager import autostager
>>> autostager = autostager.Autostager() # creates a new autostager instance
>>> autostager.run()