Browserify for Karma
Browserify is an awesome tool for managing front-end module dependencies with
, just like you would in Node. Karma is a killer JS test runner that's
super fast and easy. But put them together and you're entering a world of pain.
This plugin aims to make them play nice.
Under most circumstances, Browserify attempts to give you a single monolithic bundle of all of your JS files and their dependencies. That's perfect for fast delivery with minimal requests in a browser environment, but sucks hard if you're just trying to run your tests (over and over). This plugin hijacks the Browserify pipeline to produce a single bundle of all dependencies found in your tests (and their dependencies) which is transferred to the browser under test only once (unless it changes). A separate, minimal bundle is generated for each test which, aside from the test code, only contains references to external dependencies in the main bundle. That way dependencies are updated in the browser only when necessary (watching for changes is supported) and your tests remain lightning fast.
Install the plugin from npm:
$ npm install karma-browserify --save-dev
Or from Github:
$ npm install 'git+' --save-dev
Add browserify
to the frameworks
and preprocessor
keys in your
Karma configuration:
module.exports = (config) ->
# frameworks to use
frameworks: ['mocha', 'browserify']
'**/*.coffee': ['coffee']
'my/test/files/*': ['browserify']
# ...
The plugin may be configured using the browserify
key in your Karma config:
module.exports = (config) ->
extensions: ['.coffee']
ignore: [path.join __dirname, 'components/angular-unstable/angular.js']
transform: ['coffeeify']
watch: true # Watches dependencies only (Karma watches the tests)
debug: true # Adds source maps to bundle
noParse: ['jquery'] # Don't parse some modules
# ...
Just require
modules from within tests as you normally would in Node:
something = require '../some/module'
describe 'karma tests with browserify', ->
it 'should gimme dat module', ->
See the example for a simple working setup.
The MIT License (MIT)