Arduino Sketch to control a (low-active) Relay Card via the DMX bus
- Arduino Uno or Mega
- CTC-DRA-10-R2 DMX Shield (
- Arduino 2-/4-/8-Channel Relay Card (
- A Computer with the Arduino IDE installed
- The Conceptinetics DMX Shield libary installed to your IDE
- Put the DMX Shield on top of the Arduino.
- Connect the Relays (IN1 - IN8) to the Arduinos Digital Outputs (e.g. 12 to 5) [Attention! Pins 0 to 4 are used by the shield].
- Connect the Power Supply Pins on the Relay Card to a 5V power source (the Arduino 5V supply may not be enough and can get hot, especially on large relay cards).
- Adjust the
variables to your needs. DMX_ADDRESS
is the first address on the DMX bus to useNUM_OF_RELAYS
is the number of relay connected to the boardFIRST_RELAY_OUTPUT
is the (lowest) output where the relay is connectedSWITCHING_THRESHOLD
is the value where the relay should toggle- Control your relays by DMX!