Jose Garcia, Elvis Boves, Marbella Vidals, Vanice Yee
Often times you're recommended places to visit and things to do whether it's eating at a restaurant, reading a book, having a drink at a bar or watching a movie but with a busy schedule you tend to forget about those things and never get around to them.
Our users are modern day people who use technology on a daily base. Our goal is to manage information overload from friends, family or coworkers' reccomendations. Espy is a simple and organized app to managed these activties. As of right now there are no known apps that organize events and activites simulanetously using geolocation reminders. Unlike Google Keep and Evernote that save items and to-do lists, Espy will focus on saving venues, events, things to do around the city and will notify users of exploring these recommended events when nearby and/or on a weekly/bi-weekly basis.
[Outline of problem] (
An app that reminds you to do those things you were recommended by alerting you when your nearby. Espy adds the things you want to do into a list and you'll be reminded once per week to try something on your list. If you're out and about in the city and happen to be near a place that's on your list, Espy will notify you it's nearby.
Detailed description of the app:. Map out how the app solves the problem described in section I.
Baseline features planned to implement by Demo 1 (what + why):
- Customizable reminder notifications so user has control of how often they would like to be reminded to look at their list
- Location tracking to determine when the user is near a location
- Search bar to find places on your list or recommended places
- Database to store information
Bonus features you plan to implement if baseline features are completed in time (what + why):
- Amazon API will alert users if an item on their list such as a book is on sale
- Implement OMDB to find movies and tv shows
- Social media (twitter, instagram, facebook) to notify user's contacts of things user is doing or to find/post recommendations etc.
[Wireframe] (
[Project Plan] (
Jose - Building Database and location tracking
Marbella - Building Adapters, ListViews, and Notifications
Vanice - UX
Elvis - Parsing information