This repository contains scripts I've developed during my PhD in the May Lab at the University of Connececticut
for more information see the publications associated with these projects
Markov state model of Lassa virus nucleoprotein reveals large structural changes during the trimer to monomer transition
JG Pattis, ER May
Structure 28 (5), 548-554. e3
Folding a viral peptide in different membrane environments: pathway and sampling analysis
S Nangia, JG Pattis, ER May
Journal of Biological Physics 44 (2), 195-209
Catalytic Domains of Phosphodiesterase 5, 6, 5/6 Chimera Display Differential Dynamics and Ligand Dissociation Energy Barriers
JG Pattis, S Kamal, B Li, ER May
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B