Grewtix is a ticketing system built through the Python framework Django. Through Grewtix, you can create tickets for work/projects/teams and assign them as needed. Grewtix is in the beginning stages of development so many features are coming soon. You can view progress at the bottom of this README.
- Once Python is installed, install virtualenv:
$ pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment with this command:
$ virtualenv --python C:\Users\{user_name}\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python.exe env
or$ virtualenv --python /usr/bin/python3.8 env
Your path to the python.exe may look different. - Navigate inside the folder where you created the virtual environment. Run the following command:
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
or$ source env/bin/activate
- Run the following command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Navigate to the grewtix dir and enter the following commands:
$ python makemigrations tickets
$ python migrate
- Create a user so you can access the admin page:
$ python createsuperuser
- Start the server:
$ python runserver
- In your browser navigate to localhost:8000/admin. Create some tickets.
- Once you create test data, feel free to navigate through the application.
- add comment functionality
- add attachment functionality
- add reviewers to tickets
- add tag field to tickets
- UI design overhaul: give design to login, logout, and other random pages. Redesign ticket form and index, make it user friendly
- create a dockerfile to run this application
- Create a simple reports page (total finished tickets, tickets finished by user)
- Create a profile page
- Create teams/groups to view tickets inside teams/groups
- Create customizable dashboard
- Add api for dynamic ticket creation and ticket queries
- Add time tracking for in progress tickets or manual entry of time
This project started as a way to learn Python, but has turned into an ongoing project with the hopes of being a useful ticketing system. When I began this project, I had only worked with Youtrack, JetBrains ticketing system. You may be able to notice some similarities.