released this
06 Jan 20:35
20643 commits
to main
since this release
Release Notes
💎 Features
- Spring Cloud Consul: add central config - #494 by @pascalgrimaud
- Npm add script and dev dependency - #490 by @pascalgrimaud
- Init prettier xml - #488 by @pascalgrimaud
- Package Manager NPM: add method for adding dependency - #466 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add config server - #457 by @swarajsaaj
- Spring Boot: Spring Cloud Consul - #435 by @pblanchardie
- Add prettier and npm install API - #460 by @swarajsaaj
- Add package manager context - #462 by @pascalgrimaud
🔧 Enhancements
- Fix eol in MainApp - #493 by @pascalgrimaud
- improve line separator handling - #480 by @pblanchardie
- Fix code smells, related to improvement of startup log - #484 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve App startup log - #482 by @pascalgrimaud
- Reduce logs during tests - #445 by @pascalgrimaud
- Simplify Ehcache Java Configuration - #474 by @pblanchardie
- add Actuator to CI - #470 by @pblanchardie
🔨 Refactoring
- Refactoring: move Consul to Spring Cloud - #492 by @pascalgrimaud
- harmonization of pom.xml indentation and eol management - #491 by @pblanchardie
- Clean old yeoman config - #485 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: add and use PACKAGE_JSON - #469 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: move POM_XML from Maven to Constants - #468 by @pascalgrimaud
- remove useless method: JwtSecurityDomainService.addGitPatch - #465 by @pblanchardie
- Refactoring npm install prettier - #464 by @pascalgrimaud
🐞 Bug Fixes
- fix maven dependency management indentation - #478 by @pblanchardie
- fix maven plugin tests - #479 by @pblanchardie
🍃 Spring Boot
- Spring Cloud Consul: add central config - #494 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix eol in MainApp - #493 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: move Consul to Spring Cloud - #492 by @pascalgrimaud
- Fix code smells, related to improvement of startup log - #484 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve App startup log - #482 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add config server - #457 by @swarajsaaj
- Spring Boot: Spring Cloud Consul - #435 by @pblanchardie
- Simplify Ehcache Java Configuration - #474 by @pblanchardie
- remove useless method: JwtSecurityDomainService.addGitPatch - #465 by @pblanchardie
🔒 Security
- remove useless method: JwtSecurityDomainService.addGitPatch - #465 by @pblanchardie
🪶 Maven
- harmonization of pom.xml indentation and eol management - #491 by @pblanchardie
- fix maven dependency management indentation - #478 by @pblanchardie
- fix maven plugin tests - #479 by @pblanchardie
- Refactoring: move POM_XML from Maven to Constants - #468 by @pascalgrimaud
📝 Documentation
- Update License to 2022 - #495 by @pascalgrimaud
- Typo logstash - #459 by @ptemplier
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump lint-staged to 12.1.5 - #487 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump assertj-core to 3.22.0 - #486 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump assertj-core from 3.21.0 to 3.22.0 - #473 by @dependabot
- Bump lint-staged from 12.1.4 to 12.1.5 - #472 by @dependabot