fMRI analysis for the ELS KIDMID task
Joshua Ryu; [email protected]
- SPM:; preprocessing_spm.m
- Freesurfer:
- Convert freesurfer brain mask to nii:
- behaviorAnalysis: behaviorAnalysis.m
- Generate a list of ROIS from freesurfer: roiListGen.m
- Extract ROI: ROI_analysis.m;
- Build design matrix: build_designMat.m
- Run GLM on ROIs: GLM_analysis.m
- Plot ROI timectourses and GLM model: roi_plottimecourses.m
- Statistical maps for each subject: is_ContrastMaps.m
- SPM map, filtering based on R-squared or t-value
- Beta histograms: distribution of betas for each ROI.
- percent variance explained histogram
- SPM map, filtering based on R-squared or t-value
- Plotting function (using SPM): vis_ContrastMaps_plot.m
- Needs the plotting folder and SPM12
- Needs the plotting folder and SPM12
- Analysis: fConn_analysis.m
- Plotting: fConn_analysis_plot.m
- Second-level analysis for contrasts: group_analysis.m
- Second-level analysis for connectivity: group_analysis_fConn.m
- Bar plots: group_plotResults.m