You might be wondering: "Another client-side validation-framework? Why?". After all, there are already different validation-frameworks like jQuery's Validation Plugin, Validator from jQuery tools, and so many more. Furthermore, browsers are starting to implement HTML5 validation constraints, so what makes Regula so special?
###Small, Easy, and Powerful
Regula is small. It's around 82Kb un-compressed, and 34Kb minified. Regula also doesn't depend on any other external libraries, so you don't have any other dependencies.
As far as ease-of-use goes, I would say that Regula is the easiest Javascript client-side validation-framework to use; on par with using HTML5 constraint-validation. Why is that? Well, let's take a look at how you'd mark an element for validation in Regula:
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" data-constraints='@Required' />
That's it. Now compare that to HTML5:
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" required="true" />
Not that different, right? Now how about other frameworks? While also useful, binding constraints to elements in other frameworks is somewhat verbose because all constraint-binding is done in Javascript. This has two problems: verbosity (as I mentioned earlier), and lack of context. Part of the appeal of HTML5 constraint validation is that one can immediately tell what restrictions apply to an input field simply by looking at the code. When using other validation-frameworks which rely solely on Javascript for constraint binding, you cannot easily identify the restrictions that apply to a specific element. If the constraints are defined in <script>
tag (hopefully adjacent to the element), it's a little easier but if the constraints are defined in another file you need to go find that file first.
Since Regula's constraints are directly attached to the element, you can easily tell what restrictions apply to that element. Also, it's remarkably trivial to add more constraints:
<input type="text" id="age" name="age"
data-constraints='@Required @Numeric @Min(value=21)' />
The above example attaches the following conditions to the text field:
- It is a required field.
- It can only accept numbers.
- The value must at least be 21.
That's the easy part. What makes Regula so powerful? Well, one of the hardest things to do well in form-validation is validating against a custom constraint. Usually this involves a little bit of complex logic, for example conditional validation of a field based on the value or state of another field, or validation according to some specific rule. Regula makes this very easy to do with custom constraints. There are two main advantages to the way Regula handles custom constraints: reuse and encapsulation. Once you define a custom constraint in Javascript, you can use it on any input element. Second, all your validation logic is conveniently encapsulated in one place. Here's a simple example:
name: "MustBe42",
defaultMessage: "The answer must be equal to 42",
validator: function() {
return this.value == 42;
And its use:
<input id = "theAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything"
name = "theAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything"
value = ""
data-constraints = "@MustBe42" />
Here's another example. This one involves parameters to your custom constraint:
name: "DivisibleBy",
defaultMessage: "{label} must be divisible by {divisor}",
params: ["divisor"],
validator: function(params) {
var divisor = params["divisor"];
return (this.value % divisor) == 0;
And usage:
<input id = "number"
name = "number"
value = ""
data-constraints = "@DivisibleBy(divisor=3, label='The Number')" />
But that's not all! Regula supports other features in addition to custom constraints:
- Validation groups (i.e., selective validation of specific elements).
- Compound constraints (constraints that contain one or more other constraints).
- Form-specific constraints (i.e., constraints that apply to the form as a whole)
- A simple, yet powerful API.
That's all well and good. But how exactly do you enforce these constraints prior to submitting your form? That part is easy as well. Here's a simple example (using jQuery):
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Must call regula.bind() first. The best place would be in an
// onload handler. This function looks for elements with an
// attribute called "data-constraints" and binds the defined
// constraints to the elements
jQuery("#myForm").submit(function() {
// this function performs the actual validation and returns an array
// of constraint violations
var validationResults = regula.validate();
for(var i = 0; i < validationResults.length; i++) {
var validationResult = validationResults[i];
return validationResults.length === 0;
In the above example, we first call regula.bind()
to bind all our constraints to the elements they have been defined on. Then, we call regula.validate()
that performs all the validation. This function returns an array of constraint violations, that you can then examine to see which elements failed validation. That's all there is to it!
There is a lot more I haven't gone over, but I hope that these simple examples show you how powerful Regula is, and also how easy it is to use. I hope you give it a chance and try it out; 1.2.3 is the latest version. Suggestions and comments are always welcome! For more information, you can take a look at the wiki.
###Going forward
I'm not done with Regula yet! Going forward, expect Regula to support the following features:
- Support for HTML5 validation constraints
- Asynchronous validation
This is by no means an exhaustive list. I honestly believe that Regula is a good alternative to existing client-side validation-frameworks and I will be constantly improving and enhancing Regula. I take the quality of my code seriously and will do my best to release bug-free code. Currently JSCoverage reports 97% coverage (effective coverage is pretty much 100%) established through over 2,300 tests.
Regula is licensed under the BSD License.