NOTE: you need .dev.vars for local development secrets.
From your terminal:
npm run dev
npx pnpm run dev
This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.
"dev": "remix build && wrangler pages dev ./public -e staging --d1 DB --live-reload ",
does not work. As a workaround, I have to use remix watch
in a terminal and use npm run dev
in another for watching. This makes sense since Wrangler does not build.
First, build your app for production:
npm run build
Then run the app in production mode:
npm start
Now you'll need to pick a host to deploy it to.
If you're familiar with deploying node applications, the built-in Remix app server is production-ready.
Make sure to deploy the output of remix build
export DATABASE_NAME=cookiecutter-remix-preview translate drizzle orm (.ts) to sql (.sql)
npx drizzle-kit generate:sqlite
show migrations not applied on local db
npx wrangler d1 migrations list $DATABASE_NAME --local
apply migrations (aka create tables) in local DB. DO NOT USE npx on MAC!
npx wrangler d1 migrations apply $DATABASE_NAME --local
insert seed data in local db. DO NOT USE npx on MAC!
npx wrangler d1 execute $DATABASE_NAME --file=./seed.sql --local
run CF pages locally.
wrangler pages dev --local --persist --d1=DB
drizzle studio (remote only). d1 already has a console.
npx drizzle-kit studio
time-travel to a timestamp (remote only)
npx wrangler d1 time-travel restore test1 --timestamp 2023-11-14T10:43:31.000Z
time-travel to an auto-generated bookmark (remote only).
npx wrangler d1 time-travel restore test1 --bookmark 0000000a-ffffffff-00004cdb-d8b886070a5354e08862b6b5e0c9587b
check log
npx wrangler pages deployment tail 96ae708f-2ba3-4a73-a396-57bd274c41f9
Logging Request is tricky because "The request body functions can be run only once; subsequent calls will reject with TypeError showing that the body stream has already used."
Debug snippets:
let formData = await request.formData();
console.log(`formData: `)
for (const pair of formData.entries()) {
console.log(`${pair[0]}, ${pair[1]}`);
request.headers.forEach((value, key) => console.log(`${key} ==> ${value}`));
console.log(`response: ${response.ok} ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`)
Local test ebay API using ngrok:
ngrok http --domain={local_domain} 8788
>>>>>>> main
use http://localhost:4040/inspect/http to inspect request.