A simple queue for tasks using Redis
npm install redisqueue
####Add tasks:
var RedisQueue = require('rq');
var taskQueue = new RedisQueue('test queue', {
host: '',
port: 6379
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'qux'
var RedisQueue = require('rq');
var taskQueue = new RedisQueue('test queue', {
host: '',
port: 6379
taskQueue.dequeue(function(task) {
console.log(task.data.foo); // 'bar'
console.log(task.data.baz); // 'qux'
// or task.done(new Error('something went wrong'));
taskQueue.on('error', function(err) {
By default all tasks are only attempted once. You may queues to attempt a task multiple times. Re-attempts will happen immediately after a failed attempt by the same queue instance.
Queues fire a number of events:
####queue.on('error', function(err) {}) Whenever an error occurs with the queue or underlying redis client
####queue.on('complete', function(task) {}) Whenever a task is completed successfully
####queue.on('fail', function(err, task) {}) Whenever a task attempt is unsuccessful. Fired once for each attempt
###RedisQueue(name, [options])
The constructor. Name specifies the name of the queue in redis. Queues only process tasks added to the queue with the same name. Options defines the redis settings including: host: host of the redis server. defaults to local host port: port of redis server. defaults to 6379 retry: max number of retries if a task fails. defaults to 0
Add a new task to the queue. Data is a javascript object containing data specific to the created task
Define the handler function to process all tasks with. Handler is passed one argument: task, which holds the data of the current task and a callback to signal completion
Returns the data associated with the task
Signals the completion of the task. If an error is passed, the task will be marked as unsuccessful.