This repo is the source code for Turbo-CF (SIGIR 2024)
- Training-Free: Operates without the need for model training.
- Polynomial Graph Filters: Utilizes efficient polynomial filters, makes it possible to easily compute in parallelism via GPU.
- High Accuracy: Achieves near SOTA with very fast computation
Clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:
git clone
cd Turbo-CF
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the Turbo-CF (dataset:'gowalla', 'yelp', 'amazon'):
python --dataset [dataset_name] --filter [filter_type] --alpha [alpha] --power [power]
python --dataset gowalla --filter 1
Can also be run in jupyter env: main.ipynb
We provide the optimal parameters for each dataset herein.
- Gowalla alpha (a): 0.6, power (s): 0.7 filter: 1
- Yelp alpha (a): 0.6, power (s): 1 filter: 2
- Amazon-book alpha (a): 0.5, power (s): 1.4 filter: 1
(We note that as Turbo-CF is a rule-based method, we use all available dataset (training + validation) for the graph filtering (inference).)
If this work was helpful for your project, please kindly cite this in your paper
[ref] Jin-Duk Park, Yong-Min Shin, and Won-Yong Shin. "Turbo-CF: Matrix Decomposition-Free Graph Filtering for Fast Recommendation." In SIGIR 2024.
title={Turbo-cf: Matrix decomposition-free graph filtering for fast recommendation},
author={Park, Jin-Duk and Shin, Yong-Min and Shin, Won-Yong},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},