I'm an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Credly Badge
🔭 In the past, I worked on Synapse-web-monorepo and SynapseWebClient to maintain and improve Sage Bionetwork's GWT and react client. I've also made contributions to Synapse-Stack-Builder where I implemented feature flags for Synapse's clientside applications utilizing AWS AppConfig and provisioned the necessary AWS infrastructure using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with velocity CloudFormation templates. Moreover, I implemented real-time rollbacks for over 35 experimental features that are polled, cached, and pushed to the company’s Saas applications in the Java Servlet layer, enabling the team to quickly disable a feature in production if any issues were detected.
🌱 I’m currently learning TypeScript and PostgreSQL
👨💻 My journey is available at Website
💬 Ask me about Node.js, Java, C/C++, and AWS
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I'vs experienced 28hr layover at LaGuardia Airport
- Born
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
- Get a job
- Win a hackerthon
- Marry
- Have children
- Die