git clone
Open any file with neovim and run :PlugInstall
Clone the repo to "~/.config/"
Clone the repo to "~/AppData/Local/"
Neovim version should greater than 0.10.0 to make sure some plug-ins can run normally.
- nodejs
- yarn
- nerd font(dont't forget to set the font of your terminal into nerd font)
- vim-plug
- fzf
- ripgrep
- fd
- tree sitter cli
- curl(window specific)
- scoop(window specific)
When you try to set up neovim in a new device, you should configure some plug-ins list below:
Fzflua: it need ripgrep, fd and fzf, otherwise it won't show up.
nvim-dap: you need to download and configure the adapter and language. For cpp, gdb won't work so I use cpp-tools instead.
nvim-ide: the version of neovim should be greater than v-0.10 otherwise some lua function won't work. To see more info, go to the repo of nvim-dap and nvim-dap-ui.
nerd-font: download the nred font and set the proper font in your terminal.
I don't use markdown preview and treesitter-markdown anymore, insteal I use vim-markdown
Port the code to lua