Building Neural Network Models Node by Node.
AdaScale: This NNBuilder version attempts adaptive scaling/preprocessing. Implementation in progress.
In a nutshell:
Before optimizing a new node the pseoudo-response gets preprocessed with a new scaler
Predictions are made recrusively by:
add prediction from the most recent node
apply most recent postprocessing
add prediction from previous node
apply previous postprocessing
add prediction from 0th node
apply 0th postprocessing
Expected benefits:
Each node can recreate limited behavior.
While the original pre-processing puts the data in a form
that simplifies this task, we have no guarantee that any of
the pseudo-responses after the 1st node are still in this "easy to handle" form.
To get around this problem, we adaptively scale/preprocess pseudo-response
to simplify learning for each node.
Also, by maintaining mean 0 and variance 1 gaussian with b=1
may learn more effectively than other nodes.
But first this idea will be tested with sigmoidal nodes only.