As part of my 2019 resolution, I will be publishing summaries and notes on Deep Learning research papers I read.
- Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection [URL]
- Implementation -
- FocalLoss, DL, ImbalancedDataset
- Unsupervised Deep Embedding for Clustering Analysis [URL]
- Unsupervised, DL, Clustering
- VBPR: Visual Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback [URL]
- CollaborativeFiltering, Recommendation, MatrixFactorization
- Metadata Embeddings for User and Item Cold-start Recommendations[URL]
- CollaborativeFiltering, Recommendation, MatrixFactorization, [LightFM]
- An Evaluation of Predictive Models for Individual-Level Employee Voluntary Turnover [URL]
- Evaluation of Employee Attrition by Effective Feature Selection using Hybrid Model of Ensemble Methods[URL]
- FeatureSelection, Ensemble, Boruta
- Forecasting Economics and Financial Time Series: ARIMA vs. LSTM [arXiv]
- TimeSeries, LSTM, ARIMA, Comparison