Swift macros without requiring swift-syntax
This project extracts the bare minimum from swift-syntax to be able to build a macro in Xcode 15. All you get are the strings, no fancy object trees.
If nothing else it will allow you to see what is really sent to your plugin before it's converted to structures etc.
Here's the classic example from the default Xcode template which implements stringify
renamed here to be ExpressionMacro
public macro ExpressionMacro<T>(_ value: T) -> (T, String) = #externalMacro(module: "ExampleMacros", type: "ExpressionMacro")
let (result, code) = #ExpressionMacro(a + b)
(a + b, "a + b")
/* {
"expandFreestandingMacro" : {
"macro" : {
"moduleName" : "ExampleMacros",
"name" : "ExpressionMacro",
"typeName" : "ExpressionMacro"
"syntax" : {
"kind" : "expression",
"location" : {
"fileID" : "ExampleClient\/main.swift",
"fileName" : "•••/SwiftCompilerPlugin\/Examples\/Sources\/ExampleClient\/main.swift",
"line" : 7,
"offset" : 78,
"column" : 22
"source" : "#ExpressionMacro(a + b)"
"discriminator" : "$s13ExampleClient33_C7C48FD1C44CD1E5F2188E7B86F2D462Ll15ExpressionMacrofMf_",
"macroRole" : "expression"