Just download the novel.
For compile, you need to install pkg
npm i -g pkg
then run the command:
npm run compile
If you cannot download precompiled base binaries file, try take a look this.
After compile, you should found the binary executable file in dist-bin
open cmd.exe, try input:
doggoo.exe https://www.lightnovel.cn/thread-899097-1-1.html
if you try to output txt file, try:
doggoo.exe https://www.lightnovel.cn/thread-899097-1-1.html --format txt
Set output format.
- epub (default)
- txt
- markdown
Supported chinese convert:
- hk2s : hongKongToSimplified
- s2hk : simplifiedToHongKong
- s2t : simplifiedToTraditional
- s2tw : simplifiedToTaiwan
- t2hk : traditionalToHongKong
- t2s : traditionalToSimplified
- t2tw : traditionalToTaiwan
- tw2s : taiwanToSimplified
use --cookie your_cookie
Auto load default cookie from file in current work directory named doggoo_cookie.txt
--cookie @cookie.txt
will load cookie from file cookie.txt