I2C driver for the SSD1327 OLED display.
This crate uses probe-run
to run the examples. Once set up,
it should be as simple as cargo run --example <example name> --release
From examples/esp32_i2c.rs
use ssd1327::{prelude::*, I2CDisplayInterface, Ssd1327};
use esp_idf_hal::{self, peripherals::Peripherals, prelude::*};
use tinybmp::Bmp;
use embedded_graphics::{image::Image, pixelcolor::Rgb565, prelude::*};
fn main() -> ! {
// Temporary. Will disappear once ESP-IDF 4.4 is released, but for now it is necessary to call this function once,
// or else some patches to the runtime implemented by esp-idf-sys might not link properly.
let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let i2c = peripherals.i2c0;
let sda = peripherals.pins.gpio21;
let scl = peripherals.pins.gpio22;
println!("Starting I2C MSP1503 test");
let config = <esp_idf_hal::i2c::config::MasterConfig as Default>::default().baudrate(400.kHz().into());
let i2c = esp_idf_hal::i2c::Master::new(
esp_idf_hal::i2c::MasterPins { sda, scl },
).expect("Failed to create I2C master");
let interface = I2CDisplayInterface::new(i2c);
let mut display = Ssd1327::new(interface, DisplaySize128x128, DisplayRotation::Rotate0)
let bmp = Bmp::from_slice(include_bytes!("./rust.bmp")).expect("Failed to load BMP image");
// The image is an RGB565 encoded BMP, so specifying the type as `Image<Bmp<Rgb565>>` will read
// the pixels correctly
let im: Image<Bmp<Rgb565>> = Image::new(&bmp, Point::new(32, 32));
// We use the `color_converted` method here to automatically convert the RGB565 image data into
// BinaryColor values.
im.draw(&mut display.color_converted()).unwrap();
loop {}
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