A TextMode library for Processing, ported from the work done by Paul Greenfell (aka evilpaul).
See evilpaul's TextMode Canvas Library post for more information. I tried to stay true to his original method naming and arguments.
Processing doesn't support anonymous functions so there had to be a slight alteration to the original library, specifically the processBox method. As a result there are two ways to implement this method:
From any object, including your sketch's main file:
// this could be your draw method
void somewhere() {
// must follow this format
int[] functionToCall(int charId,int colorId) {
int[] foo = { charId, colorId };
// do something to foo
return foo;
You could also process a box in a class by implementing the TextModeCallback delegate.
class MyClass implements TextModeCallback {
void somewhere() {
myTextMode.processBox(x,y,w,h,"an arbitrary string!",this);
int[] textModeProcessBoxHandler(String id,int charId,int colorId) {
int[] foo = { charId, colorId };
if(id == "an arbitrary string!") {
// do something to foo
return foo;
- Copy TextModeScreen.pde and font.png into your sketch.
- Follow the example files for additional help.