This bundle permits API comunication with
In order to install this bundle you need to pay attention with requiremens:
php > 5.3.7
php-lzf extension must be installed (try sudo pecl install lzf)
Checkout a copy of the code:
// in composer.json
"require": {
// ...
"jlaso/translations-apibundle": "*"
// ...
Then register the bundle with your kernel:
// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new JLaso\TranslationsApiBundle\TranslationsApiBundle(),
// Excel Bundle
new Liuggio\ExcelBundle\LiuggioExcelBundle(),
// ...
// in app/config/parameters.yml
project_id: 1 # the number that correspond to the project created
key: 1234 # the key that systems assigns
secret: 1234 # the password that you choose when init project in server
// in app/config/config.yml
default_locale: %locale%
managed_locales: ['es', 'en', 'fr', 'ca'] # the languages you want
and remember to enable translator in framework key
translator: { fallback: %locale% }
first schema:update to init database with SCM table:
app/console doctrine:schema:update --force --env=dev
now, fill the local database with the content of your translations/catalog.locale.yml files
app/console jlaso:translations:dump
and next upload your messages form local database to remote server
app/console jlaso:translations:sync --upload-first=yes
when you use the bundle first time is necessary the use the upload-first option in order to generate the remote db
For synchronize local translations with server (remote) translations:
app/console jlaso:translations:sync [--cache-clear] [--backup-files]
In the view
Currently only be used yaml files in src/Company/bbbBundle/Resource/translations/messages.xx.yml
with xx as locale, and bbb as bundle name,
same for translations resources of app located at app/Resources/messages.xx.yml