My personal ViM Configuration files
The easiestland probably only-way to get this distribution is by using git
. Since the Vundle is a submodule of this repository, it is recommended that you clone recursively
git clone ~/.vim
Included with these configuration files are
Plugins are managed by vim-plug. If you cloned recursively then this should be available automatically.
Once the repository has been cloned and configured the plugins can be installed simply by executing:
vim +PlugInstall
as described by the installation procedures for vim-plug
I use the ryanoasis/vim-devicons plugin which requires that some fonts get installed. The easiest way to do this on MacOS is:
brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
For other systems see font-installation.
There are some plugins that need to be built after they are installed. Here are the instructions for building each of them. Note: These instructions are for the Mac as that is the machine I use. These instructions may work for other platforms.
I use a number of different plugins. See Plug.vim for the different plugins that I use.