A Point-of-Sale system for a fruit stall, built with MERN-stack. Live site: https://fruit-pos.onrender.com/
- Buyer can view fruits that are in stock - with price and available stock number.
- Buyer can click on the fruits to add them to cart.
- Buyer can increase or decrease the number of fruits in the cart, and view individual and total price of the fruits in the cart.
- Upon successful checkout of cart, buyer receives a notification.
- Buyer can view remaining stock immediately after checkout.
- Buyer can view order history sorted by latest order first.
- Owner has access to Owner tab in the navigation menu.
- Owner access allows the following features:
- Owner can view all pending orders.
- Owner can add new fruits into fruit inventory.
- Owner can view Sales Dashboard.
- In Sales Dashboard, owner can view:
- Overall revenue made
- Overall number of fruits sold
- Revnue made per day
- Breakdown of fruits sold per day
- If required fields are empty, error messages remind user to fill in the required fields.
- If user email exists in database, error message informs user that account exists.
- If required fields are empty, error messages remind user to fill in the required fields.
- If login credentials are incorrect, error message informs user that crednetials are incorrect.
MERN Stack - MongoDB, Express, React, Node
- Authentication: JWT with bcrypt
- Forms and validations: react-hook-form
- Styling: Shadcn, Tailwind CSS
- Charts: recharts