Draw.io Enterprise Architect Integration jgraph/drawio#1663
This project imports XMI files from Sparx System Enterprise Architect into Draw.io
- It can be added in Draw.io as a plug-in.
- it loads an XMI exported from Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
- it parses UML elements that are present in the diagram, their geometry, source and target vertices for relationships
- it returns a structure with UML elements that can be easily represented as JSON
- it traverses the data structure with UML elements and dynamically creates mxgraph vertices and edges with the default style
- Enable external plug-ins in your draw.io desktop: jgraph/drawio-desktop#1049
- Navigate to the Extras menu -> Plug-ins -> Add -> Select File -> OK -> select the file you downloaded, i.e. draw_io_ea_plugin.js
- Restart draw.io desktop.
- Navigate to the Extras menu -> Import XML from Sparx Systems EA...
- Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
- Use Case Diagram
- Component Diagram
- Class Diagram
Export each individual diagram from EA as XMI 1.1:
A screenshot from Draw.io: https://i.imgur.com/ihICND8.png
This plug-in is good enough for my needs. Feel free to reuse it, fork it, modify it, etc. but please mention when your code will be based on Jack McKenzie's EA plug-in.