The python scripts included in this package demonstrate how to use the foscat library to generate synthetic fields that have patterns with the same statistical properties as a specified image.
Before installing, make sure you have python installed in your enviroment.
The last version of the foscat library can be installed using PyPi:
pip install foscat
Load the FOSCAT_DEMO package from github.
git clone
It is recomended to use python=3.9*.
micromamba create -n FOSCAT
micromamba install -n FOSCAT ‘python==3.9*’
micromamba activate FOSCAT
pip install foscat
git clone
It is recomended to install tensorflow in advance. For DATARMOR for using GPU ;
micromamba create -n FOSCAT
micromamba install -n FOSCAT ‘python==3.9*’
micromamba install -n FOSCAT ‘tensorflow==2.11.0’
micromamba activate FOSCAT
pip install foscat
git clone
python -n=32 -k -c -s=100
The script serves as a demonstration of the capabilities of the foscat library. It utilizes the Cross Wavelet Scattering Transform to generate a Healpix map that possesses the same characteristics as a specified input map.
computes map with nside=32.-k
uses 5x5 kernel.-c
uses Scattering Covariance.-l
uses LBFGS minimizer.-s=100
computes 100 steps.
python -n=8 [-c|--cov][-s|--steps=3000][-S=1234|--seed=1234][-k|--k5x5][-d|--data][-o|--out][-r|--orient] [-p|--path][-a|--adam]
- The "-n" option specifies the nside of the input map. The maximum nside value is 256 with the default map.
- The "--cov" option (optional) uses scat_cov instead of scat.
- The "--steps" option (optional) specifies the number of iterations. If not specified, the default value is 1000.
- The "--seed" option (optional) specifies the seed of the random generator.
- The "--path" option (optional) allows you to define the path where the output files will be written. The default path is "data".
- The "--k5x5" option (optional) uses a 5x5 kernel instead of a 3x3.
- The "--data" option (optional) specifies the input data file to be used. If not specified, the default file "LSS_map_nside128.npy" will be used.
- The "--out" option (optional) specifies the output file name. If not specified, the output file will be saved in "demo".
- The "--orient" option (optional) specifies the number of orientations. If not specified, the default value is 4.
- The "--adam" option (optional) makes the synthesis using the ADAM optimizer instead of the L_BFGS.
The following script generates a series of plots that showcase different aspects of the synthesis process using the script.
python -n=32 -c
The python scripts included in this package demonstrate how to use the foscat library to generate a 2D synthetic fields that have patterns with the same statistical properties as a specified 2D image. In this particular case, the input field is a sea surface temperature extracted from a north atlantic ocean simulation.
python -n=32 -k -c
The following script generates a series of plots that showcase different aspects of the synthesis process using the script.
python -n=32 -c