A cleaned up version of the functions I used to analyze copy number aberrations in single-cell data.
Main information below, other information in the docs
folder, e.g.:
- Install on a HPC,
- Memory-efficient version when too many cells
- Getting genes coordinates
- Genes associated with cell cycle
- Metacells
- Tuning the community detection
- Rebin coverage data to compare with scRNA-seq CNA signal
Please cite, the protocol chapter describing the methods in Mapping Genetic Interactions:
Kuzmin E, et al. Inferring Copy Number from Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patient Derived Xenograft scRNAseq Data Using scCNA. Mapping Genetic Interactions (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1740-3_16
Or the first study it was used in:
Couturier C.P., Ayyadhury S., Le P.U. et al. Single-cell RNA-seq reveals that glioblastoma recapitulates a normal neurodevelopmental hierarchy. Nat Commun 11, 3406 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17186-5
See the data-natcom2020 folder for data used in this paper (list of cancer/non-cancer cells).
To make sure both CRAN and Bioconductor dependencies are installed, the easiest is to use the biocLite
function from Bioconductor:
More instructions about installing locally or on a HPC in the docs
cells.df = auto_cna_signal(c('sampleA', 'sampleB'), 'genes.tsv', prefix='example', cell_cycle='cc_genes.tsv')
cna.df = auto_cna_call(data, cells.df, prefix='example')
- sampleA and sampleB are folders with matrix.mtx, genes.tsv and barcodes.tsv files.
- genes.tsv has coordinates for each genes. Columns: chr, start, end, symbol.
- cc_genes.tsv has a list of genes for G1.S/G2.M cell-cycle phases. Columns: symbol, phase.
More instructions about how to get the genes.tsv and cc_genes.tsv files in the docs
Instead of a list of folder paths, the input can also be a list of data.frames with a symbol column for gene names and then one column per cell. If named, the names of the list can be used as sample names. Otherwise use sample_names=
cells.df contains information at the cell level:
- tot the total depth in the cell. QC
- zeros the number of genes with no expression. QC
- mito the total expression from mitochondrial RNA. QC
- G1.S/G2.M the cell cycle scores.
- community the assigned community.
- tsne1/tsne2 the tSNE coordinates.
- sample the sample of origin if multiple samples were merged.
- orig.cell the original cell names (before merging samples).
cna.df contains information about CNAs at the community level:
- chr/start/end the genomic region.
- CN the copy number state: loss (<2), neutral (2) or gain (>2).
- community the community tested.
- prop the proportion of metacells with this CN state. Higher means higher confidence.
- nb the number of metacells with this CN state.
Graphs are automatically generated by the auto_*
functions but can also be produced from their output.
For example, to customize the ggplot2 graphs.
The output of the following functions are lists of ggplot2 objects.
qc.ggp = plot_qc_cells(cells.df)
comm.ggp = plot_communities(cells.df)
tsne.ggp = plot_tsne(cells.df)
cna.ggp = plot_cna(cna.df)
## For example changing colors of sample labels in tSNE
tsne.ggp$sample + scale_colour_brewer(palette='Set1')
Instead of producing many times the same tSNE graph with different coloring, and to be able to zoom or investigate outlier cells, a simple Shiny app with a bokeh graph has been implemented. In addition to the zoom and color change, the user can hover over a cell to get its information.
The auto_cna_signal
function calls the appropriate functions to go from raw expression to communities and tSNE based on CNA signal.
The internal workflow is as follow:
The auto_cna_call
function creates metacells per community and call CNAs.
The internal workflow is as follow:
- Try to use Seurat's functions (e.g. Louvain with gamma and UMAP). For now I wrapped Python scripts to do that.
- Example on public cancer data.
- Better colors in graphs.