- Visit here
- 📦 An uncommonly high quality set of React components.
- 🛡 Written entirely in TypeScript with predictable static types.
- ⚙️ A full suite of design resources and tools to facilitate development.
npm install thxmx-ui
yarn add thxmx-ui
import React, { FC } from 'react';
import { Button, Input } from 'thxmx-ui';
const App: FC = () => (
<Input label="Label" hint="Hint" />
<Button label="Print" color="primary" />
export default App;
First of all let's use version 16 of node so we don't have compatibility problems, for this we can use nvm just run in the repository folder the command:
$ nvm use
This command will look for the .nvmrc file and will find the version with which the project was created.
Use Gitpod, a free online dev environment for GitHub.
Or clone locally:
$ git clone [email protected]:jnadroj/thxmx-ui.git
$ cd thxmx-ui
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Open your browser and visit
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
Make sure you have:
- Nodejs
- npm or yarn
- git
- Step 1 - Fork this repository.
- Step 2 - Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Step 3 - Resolve the bugs, mentions provided in the Issues section of the repository. Also add a description of what changes you have done.
- Step 4 - Add the changes to your repository.
- Step 5 - Create a PULL Request. And that's all.
- You can add your own competitive programming solutions.
- There are various topics like Functionality, Modal aspect of thxmx-ui etc. You can contribute in them
- You can contribute some Learning Resources in the READme.md File.
- You can modify previous solutions if you feel like your solution has better Time or Space complexity.
Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:
@jnadroj 📖 @Frey0-0 🐛 @eriandev 🐛 @krazykaushal 🐛 @kartikjoshi267 🐛 @Dorcastunmise 🐛
TypeScript javascript Library ReactJS Components Microsoft compiler language UI React-ui framework frontend Design library-ui